
GCP Dataflow pipeline with BigQuery as source and side input

Primary LanguagePython


GCP Dataflow pipeline with BigQuery as source and side input in python

as per https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cpb101-bigquery-dataflow-sideinputs/
and per https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/training-data-analyst/blob/master/courses/data_analysis/lab2/python/JavaProjectsThatNeedHelp.py
and per https://www.udemy.com/gcp-data-engineer-and-cloud-architect/learn/v4/t/lecture/7598626?start=0


resolve_package_help_score() assigns +1 if fixme or todo is found
resolve_package_usage() assigns if pkg is mentioned calculate_composite_score() combines the above \


defaults to dataflow deploy, --local for direct runner
pipeline logic resides in create_pipeline()
initial source from bigquery query
input then passed to create_popularity_view() and create_help_view() which yield 2 separate views
beam transformations are then applied to those pcollections separately
create_popularity_view() resolves popularity with resolve_package_usage()
create_help_view() resolves help score with resolve_package_help_score()
hence DAG is splitted by calculating help score & usage separately
DAG is then merged by calculating composite score from the above views
sinks to cloud storage \



Note on scaling

autoscaling will try to increase workers to 11, if you have default quota it will fail, though will proceed with what it has
Autoscaling: Unable to reach resize target in zone us-central1-b. QUOTA_EXCEEDED: Quota 'CPUS' exceeded. Limit: 8.0 in region us-central1.
