
Recommended VSCode extensions

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Question: should we have a section in explaining the recommended extension list with comments what if xxx then do yyy


  1. If you use MacOS for development then there is no reason to install Microsoft Edge Tools for VS Code extension.
  2. Why is ESLint recommended and not required (what would be the consequences of each choice)

There could be some other issues to cover in this context

jtoar commented

It may be worthwhile to talk about them somewhere, however briefly. But I'm not sure that it deserves its own page in the docs—there's not that many of them that we recommend (, and most of them are just for syntax highlighting/formatting.

Why is ESLint recommended and not required (what would be the consequences of each choice)

To my knowledge we can't require an extension be installed. And even if we could, I'm not sure that we'd want to be that strict about users' VS Code setups. Everyone does things differently. We just want to recommend what we know works and offers a good experience.