
the embotiment of a shitpost

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


the embotiment of a shitpost.

join server & invite pingbot

i have an official pingbot instance and discord server. you are welcome to invite it to your own server, and join the discord to discuss & get help with contributinig to and hosting pingbot.

invite pingbot

join discord



for each message that is sent, there is (configurable) chance that pingbot will:

  • ping @everyone (the original feature, how it got it's name)
  • react with a random emoji (often eerily in-tune to the mood of the message)
  • set your nickname to a string of random characters (most fun when on a server where users can't change their own nicknames)
  • send you a random insult through dms
  • replying with an ascii chad face or rock look
  • one more secret bonus feature that i'm never gonna give up any hints about (spoilers in src/things.ts)

match based

some other features are triggered by the content of the message

  • pingbot love: if you send a message that shows appreciation for pingbot (if it matches this regex: /(\b((i|we)\b.+\b(love|like|appreciate))|(thanks))\b.+\bping\s*bot\b/), pingbot will respond with a heart to show its appreciation of you.
  • pingbot hate: if you send a message that shows dislike for pingbot (if it matches this regex: /(\bi\b.+\b(hate|dislike)\b.+\bping\s*bot\b)|(\bfuck\b.+\bping\s*bot\b)|(\bping\s*bot (suck|eat|munche)s (dick|cock)\b)/), pingbot will respond with a sad face that will randomly switch between forwards and backwards.
  • o o f: if you send a message that contains the word 'o o f' (any whitespace, including none), pingbot will do one of two things: 1) if you are in a voice channel, pingbot will join your voice channel, play the roblox oof sound, and leave. 2) if you are not in a voice channel, pingbot will simply reply 'o o f' instead.
  • oo oo aa aa: there is also a monkey sound that is played for 'oo oo aa aa'
  • birthday: if you send a message that contains the word birthday, pingbot will react with the first emoji on the server with birthday in its name
  • no u: pingbot will do the ol' uno reverse if you call him gay


if you send a dm to pingbot, he will respond by choosing from an array of replies, including telling you to get out of his dms, he has a girlfriend already, and that's not what your mom said last night

god words & god passage

if you send the message !pingbot words or !pingbot passage, it will generate a ten random words and bible passage respectively, a tribute to templeOS


to get an invite link for the current instance of the bot, run /pingbot invite and it will give you an invite link


if you are a server owner, you (and anyone else with MANAGER_SERVER permissions) can use the /pingbot <name> <value> to set the probabilities of each chance-based feature (autocompleted). additionally, you can view the current probabilities and reset them to default with /pingbot-probabilities & /pingbot-reset resepectively.

if you are are the host, you can set the default probabilities in the config.ts file, but the server oweners will be able to override this with the aforementioned command


all options and configuration is done through config.ts.

you need to specify a bot token with the token key. the bot will not run without this.

you can configure how often pingbot will perform it's actions (a one in x chance of performing the action) with these config keys:

  • probabilities.ping chance of pingbot pinging everyone (default: 10000).
  • probabilities.react chance of pingbot reacting to messages (default: 100).
  • probabilities.nickname chance of pingbot changeing someone's nickname (default: 1000).
  • probabilities.dm chance of pingbot sending you an insulting dm (defaults: 1000)
  • probabilities.chad chance of pingbot responding with the chad face (default: 1000)


setup is simple:

  1. clone the bot.
  2. install the dependencies with yarn (or npm install). if either of these commands don't work, you need to install node.
  3. create a bot user & invite it to your server (follow this guide, but use the code in this repo as the bot's code).
  4. create a config.ts file and set token equal to the token obtained in the previous step (export const token = '<token>').
  5. add your desired options to the config.ts file.
  6. run the bot with yarn start (or npm run start). alternatively you can run it with node ./src/index.js.
  7. enjoy!

if you prefer docker:

  1. follow steps 1-5 of normal setup
  2. run the bot with docker compose up --build
  3. enjoy!

note: if you want the 'o o f' function to work in the voice channels, you need to install ffmpeg.

personal recommendation

when creating the bot user, you are most likely going to want to choose an image for pingbot to use as a profile picture. my personal favourite is shown below with two variations: pinged (the better choice) and boring. i recommend these because they perfectly capture the essence of the bot, and the pinged variation was the server icon of the server this bot was written for.

pingbot pinged pingbot boring


pingbot © gabe dunn, released under the MIT license.