
Tools for compiling corpora from Common Crawl

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

CommonCrawl Downloader

A Python package for retrieving a list of urls and specific files in bulk from Common Crawl, as well as for processing the downloaded files.

This is a modification of the original code in this repo.


With this tool you can query the CommonCrawl index and download pages to the local machine anonymously. It optionally uses JusText to remove boilerplate content and only keep real text. Using this tool one can create raw text corpora from web (CommonCrawl) easily.

This repository also contains a massively fixed and overhauled version of cdx-index-client.


The package can be installed (as usual) with

export CFLAGS="-Wno-narrowing"
pip install -e .

The reason for the export is that one of the language detection packages, cld2-cffi, has not been updated for a long time, and the C language related problems (narrowing conversions) that were once only warnings are now considered errors by modern compilers. The export tells them to disregard these errors.

From start to end

This section describes how to download and process the Common Crawl data to arrive at a corpus.

Download the index

The script get_indexfiles.py can be used to download the index for a specific collection. The example below downloads the index for all pages in the .hu domain in January 2019:

get_indexfiles.py -q "*.hu" -o 2019/cc_index -l 2019_01.log -m 5 -c CC-MAIN-2019-04

Note that get_indexfiles.py is a replacement for the original get_indexfiles.sh.

Filter the index

Next, filter the index with the script filter_index.py:

filter_index.py 2019/cc_index/ 2019/cc_index_filtered/ -a commoncrawl-downloader2/allowed_mimes.txt -P 12

This script is a replacement for and an improvement on the original filter_index.sh. Being Python, it might be a little slower than the original though, hence the -P option for multiprocessing.

Index statistics

At any point while working with indices, you can query the index statistics like

index_statistics.py -i 2019/cc_index/ -o 2019/stats/index -P 12

This script writes 5 files:

  • urls.tsv lists the individual urls and their count
  • domains.tsv, statuses.tsv and mimes.tsv list the domains / status codes / mime types in the index, along with their count and percentage
  • stats.tsv contains general statistics, such as the total number of documents

Index deduplication

Once the index is filtered, it should be deduplicated, because the same URLs are re-downloaded time and again (as many times as 240 in 4 month). The first step is to collect all URLs we have already downloaded in a previous batch. For example, if we already have the (deduplicated) URLs of the previous year, we should do something like this first:

zcat 2018/cc_index_dedup/*.gz | cut -d' ' -f2 | sort | gzip > 2018_index_urls.gz

or, parallelly,

ls *.gz | parallel -j12 -k "zcat {} | cut -d' ' -f2 " | sort | gzip > ../2018_index_urls.gz

Alternatively, the URLs can be extracted from an already existing corpus:

extract_attributes.py -i 2018/cc_corpus/ -a url -o 2018_urls.tsv.gz -P 12 2> /dev/null

Generally, it is better to collect the list from the index, because the corpus might already have been filtered (based on language, length, etc.), which means a lot of URLs that we have downloaded and discarded don't appear in it, so we'll just re-download them again.

Once the list of URLs to skip is complete, the index can be deduplicated like

deduplicate_index_urls.py -i 2019/cc_index_filtered/ -o 2019/cc_index_dedup/ -s 2018_index_urls.gz -k biggest

Note: unfortunately, loading the old URLs takes a very long time... also, the script runs in a single process as Python's shared memory performance is abysmal.

Download pages

Pages in the (filtered, deduplicated) index can be downloaded by the command

download_pages.py -o 2019/cc_downloaded -e warc.gz -i '2019/cc_index_dedup/*.gz'

This step takes a while, so it make sense to distribute the work among a cluster of machines. However, it is a bit more involved than distributing other scripts, as this one has been inherited from the old repository. The differences are:

  1. The script requires a glob (possibly wildcard) expression that expands to a list of input files, and not an input directory. So the place of the host name in the value to the -i argument must be specified manually (with {}, see below)
  2. The number of processes must be set to 0. This eliminates the -P argument from the Python command line. We need to do this because first, -P means something else in download_pages.py, and second, the script uses threads anyway.
ansible-playbook -i hosts distribute_files.yml -e
    '{"input_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus/2019/cc_index_dedup",
      "output_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus/2019"}'

ansible-playbook -i hosts python.yml -e
    '{"python_script": "download_pages.py",
      "log_file": "2019_download.log",
      "working_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus/",
      "arguments": "-o $output_dir -e warc.gz -i $input_glob",
      "per_host_args": {"input_glob": "\"2019/cc_index_dedup_{}/*.gz\"",
                        "output_dir": "2019/cc_downloaded/"}, "processes": 0}'

Remove boilerplate

Boilerplate code is removed with justext, which also splits the data into paragraphs. The script to run is remove_boilerplate.py. Since we have already split up the data between hosts, we can distribute boilerplate removal as well.

ansible-playbook -i hosts python.yml -e
    '{"python_script": "remove_boilerplate.py",
      "log_file": "2019_remove_boilerplate.log",
      "working_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus/",
      "arguments": "-i $index -w $warc -o $output",
      "per_host_args": {"index": "2019/cc_index_dedup/",
                        "warc": "2019/cc_downloaded/",
                        "output": "2019/cc_corpus/"}}'

After boilerplate removal, the corpus is in its final format. However, to increase its quality, we also filter out certain pages: those not in Hungarian and those shorter than 1500 characters.

ansible-playbook -i hosts python.yml -e
    '{"python_script": "filter_corpus.py",
      "log_file": "2019_filter_corpus.log",
      "working_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus/",
      "arguments": "-i $input -o $output -l hu",
      "per_host_args": {"input": "2019/cc_corpus/",
                        "output": "2019/cc_corpus_hu/"}}'

ansible-playbook -i hosts python.yml -e
    '{"python_script": "filter_corpus.py",
      "log_file": "2019_filter_length.log",
      "working_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus/",
      "arguments": "-i $input -o $output -m 1500c",
      "per_host_args": {"input": "2019/cc_corpus_hu/",
                        "output": "2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c/"}}'

Document deduplication

Although we have filtered the index for duplicate URLs, the corpus might still contain duplicate documents. The reason is twofold: first, we cannot filter variations of the same URL, because there is no way to know which parameters are important to the content (e.g. doc_id probably is, while token most likely isn't); and second, the same news item / poem / etc. might have been published on different domains. So we need document-level deduplication.

Unfortunately, deduplication is not a one-step process. First, the documents have to be minhashed:

ansible-playbook -i hosts python.yml -e
    '{"python_script": "minhash.py",
      "log_file": "2019_minhash.log",
      "working_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus/",
      "arguments": "-i $input -o $output -b 3000000 -u doc -p 256 -n 5 -Z 1",
      "per_host_args": {"input": "2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c/",
                        "output": "2019/minhashes/"}}'

Since the command above output the files into separate directories, they need to be copied into one:

renumber_minhash.py -i 2019/minhashes_host1 -i 2019/minhashes_host2
                    -o 2019/minhashes/ -k -Z 1

The script lsh.py then can be used to deduplicate documents based on their minhashes. It has two modi operandi:

  • self-deduplication: removes all documents that occur in one directory of minhash files
  • cross-deduplication: removes all documents from a directory of minhash files that are already contained in another (e.g. last year's)

Usually one runs both like so:

lsh.py -i 2019/minhashes/ -o 2019/minhashes_self/ -t 0.95 -p 256 -P 12 self
lsh.py -i 2019/minhashes_self/ -o 2019/minhashes_full/ -t 0.95 -p 256
       -P 12 cross -c 2018/minhashes_full

Here, the directory 2018/minhashes_full contains the minhashes for documents in the 2018 corpus. We deduplicate with them to make sure we get rid of all documents we already have.

Once the minhashes in 2019/minhashes_full/ are done, we could create a "minhashes of documents thus far" directory that includes all documents from 2018 and 2019 by running

renumber_minhash.py -i 2018/minhashes_full -i 2019/minhashes_full
                    -o all_time_minhashes -b 3000000 -Z 2

Finally, we filter corpus to contain only the unique documents:

dedup_filter.py -o 2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_dedup/ -m 2019/minhashes/minhashes_full --ignore-missing-files

Some sites contain "boilerplate" paragraphs that occur in many of their documents. We get rid of such paragraphs so that they do not skew the language model probabilities, word statistics, etc.

It is a four-step process, this time each of which is implemented by the same script: frequent_paragraphs.py.

The first step creates an index of the documents in the corpus, sorted by domain:

frequent_paragraphs.py --index 2019/index.gz -P 12 index_docs
                       -i 2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_dedup/

Then, since we are going to compute the minhashes for each paragraph in the corpus, we definitely need to do it in a distributed fashion. The next step is then the distribution of the index:

frequent_paragraphs.py --index 2019/index.gz -P 12 distribute -H host1 -H host2:1.5 ...

And then, we collect the frequent paragraphs. The script implements the "frequent item search in streams" algorithm in Mining Massive Datasets. Run it as follows:

ansible-playbook -i hosts python.yml -e
    '{"python_script": "frequent_paragraphs.py",
      "log_file": "2019_fp_collect.log",
      "working_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus/",
      "arguments": "-L debug --index $index collect -t 0.95 -c 0.9999
                    -o $output --docs-per-batch 1000
		    --decay-filter \"score < 0.5 and count == 1\"
		    --wrap-filter \"count >= 1\" -b frequent_ps/2018_all",
      "per_host_args": {"index": "2019/index.gz", "output": "2019/frequent_ps"}}'

The script above doesn't exactly run as advertised: first, it collects all paragraphs, not just the frequent ones. The reason for this is that the "stream" doesn't start in 2019 -- we already have data from earlier years. Hence, we bootstrap (-b) with the paragraph data from earlier years, and we also keep all paragraphs so that we preserve the whole "stream" for future runs.

In order to identify the frequent paragraphs, we first merge the chunks created by the distributed hosts:

merge_files.py -t pdata -o 2019/all_ps 2019/frequent_ps_host1 2019/frequent_ps_host2 ...

merge_files.py can also be used for filtering. So now that we have the file that contains all paragraphs, we create another that lists only the frequent ones.

merge_files.py -t pdata -o 2019/frequent_ps 2019/all_ps -f "pdata.count >= 3 or pdata.count / float(docs) >= 0.5"

And we use this file to filter the frequent paragraphs from the corpus like so:

ansible-playbook -i hosts2 python.yml -e
    '{"python_script": "frequent_paragraphs.py",
      "log_file": "2019_fp_filter.log",
      "working_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus/",
      "arguments": "-L debug --index $index filter -t 0.95 -o $output -d 2000
                    -z 4 --frequents 2019/frequent_ps
		    --old-frequents 2018/frequent_ps",
      "per_host_args": {"index": "2019/index.gz",
                        "output": "2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_nofreq/"}}'

Finally, since the distributed script above creates as many output directories as there are hosts (and we lost the original file structure as the documents have been sorted by domain), we need to merge these sub-corpora into one:

renumber_corpus_files.py -o 2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_nofreq -k -Z 4 -L debug 2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_nofreq_*


Delete duplicate paragraphs

The last form of content duplication is when a document contains a paragraph several times. Sometimes this is valid repetition, but most of the time, it is an artifact of (bad?) HTML page design (e.g. including the same content once for static and once for dynamic presentation) and BeautifulSoup's inability to cope with it.

The following script removes all duplicate paragraphs that occur in the same document. Note that the script is fast enough, so there is no need for distributed execution.

remove_same_p.py -P 12 -i 2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_nofreq/ -L debug remove -o 2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_nodup/

Filtering -- again

With frequent paragraph removed, the lengths of some documents might have fallen below the threshold (1500 characters in our case). It is therefore recommended to run the filtering step anew.

Final steps

Let's assume that the re-filtered corpus is in the directory cc_corpus_hu_1500c_filtered_again. All processing steps are effectively done; however, in order to get the corpus ready for release, we need to run two clean-up steps.

The first is re-sorting the files. With all the distributed processing, the order of the files in the directory no longer reflects the sorting we imposed on it earlier. The following script re-sorts the files:

sort_files.py -i cc_corpus_hu_1500c_filtered_again/ -t corpus

The second step is to make sure each file (save the last one) has the same number of documents. Even though we started with a corpus like that, the various filtering steps have made the document distribution uneven. The next command "renumbers" the files, creating the final form of the corpus, with 2,500 documents per file:

renumber_corpus_files.py -Z 4 -d 2500 -o 2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_filtered_again

And we are done. Whew!

Text processing

The repository contains scripts to run the emtsv text-processing pipeline on the corpus.

Installing the pipeline

The master branch of emtsv (and its dependencies) has a few problems that needs to be fixed before it can be used efficiently. Until the fixes are merged, the quntoken_v1 branch in my fork should be used.

It fixes two issues:

  • the 2.x branch of quntoken is very slow; my v1 branch fixes that by doing away with the per-function executables and providing a Python API based on a shared library;
  • xtsv does not handle CoNLL-U comments safely; the emtsv version above uses my own fork, which does.

The "installation" is very simple: clone the repo somewhere and execute the steps listed in the readme.

Running the pipeline

The emtsv.py script runs the pipeline. Some parts (tokenization, morphologic analysis) are fast; the rest (morphologic disambiguation, syntactic parsing, etc.) are slow and require lots of memory. Perhaps more importantly than any previous step, this task should be run distributedly:

ansible-playbook -i hosts python.yml -e
    '{"python_script": "emtsv.py",
      "log_file": "2019_emtsv.log",
      "working_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus/",
      "arguments": "-i $input -o $output -e /home/ndavid/emtsv",
      "per_host_args": {"input": "2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_final/",
                        "output": "2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_emtsv/"}}'

The default tasks run are tokenization, morphological analysis and disambiguation.

Shuffling the tsv files

With the last step complete, we have a corpus that is tokenized, morphologically analyzed and disambiguated. The files contain the documents in the order of their URLs, helping users find their way easily in the corpus. This is also facilitated by CoNLL comment headers before each unit, such as document and paragraph IDs (URL for the former), and the raw sentence texts.

However, the documents being sorted means that similar documents (those from the same site, blog, etc.) cluster together, which can be problematic when using the corpus as an input to a machine learning task, such as language processing: since long batches of minibatches will have similar input, the learning process will be biased. To circumvent this, we provide a script to shuffle the documents in the tsv files:

shuffle_tsv.py 2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_emtsv/ -o 2019/cc_corpus_hu_1500c_shuffled/
               -d 2500 -P 8

Note that for best effect, this script should be run on a single machine (although the partial shuffling that results from distributed execution should work fine as well).

Type checking

Some of the code I have annotated with type annotations. To validate the annotations, you can install mypy via pip and run it on a file or directory. The following command also shows the recommended switches:

mypy --python-version 3.5 --no-strict-optional --ignore-missing-imports scripts/frequent_paragraphs.py


Most of the tasks can be executed on a single server, albeit a little patience is in order. Others (mostly anything related to minhashing, especially paragraphs), however, are computationally intensive, and benefit from distributed execution. While there are several possible architecture options (MapReduce or Spark comes to mind), we opted for a much simpler design, based on Ansible.

The next section explain how to run a task in a distributed fashion. In a nutshell, the exact same script that would be run on a single machine is run parallelly on multiple servers, each attending to a slice of the full data.

Below, the word Controller shall refer to the machine Ansible playbooks are executed from; Slave shall refer to the machines doing running the actual task (Python script).


In order for our code to work, we need the servers in the cluster to be able to see the same data disk. More specifically, the Slaves are not required to see each other's data, but Controller must be able to dispatch the data to the Slaves' disks. The easiest setup is a network drive that is shared to all machines.

All machines must have Python 3.5 or newer installed. This is in addition to the following lists:


  • Ansible
  • a hosts file that lists the slave machines to be used


  • git
  • tmux
  • virtualenv (optional)

If these requirements are met, the Ansible playbook configuration.yml can be used to {un}install the code -- this is a prerequisite of the next steps:

ansible-playbook -i hosts configuration.yml --tags {install,cleanup}

In order to use emtsv.py, emtsv must be installed on the cluster. This can be done with the following commands:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts configuration.yml --tags install_emtsv

Python version

It is possible to set up the virtualenv to use a specific Python version (i.e. one from Anaconda). In order to do that, specify the path variable on the command line when calling the install tasks:

ansible-playbook -i hosts configuration.yml --tags install
-e '{"path": "/home/user/anaconda3/bin"}'

Note that this is the recommended way of configuring the virtual environments. If path is specified, the script makes use of the venv module, which links the virtual environment's Python version to the one in path, making (minor) version upgrades to the Python version seamless. virtualenv, on the other hand, copies the Python executable, which thus never gets updated when the main Python version does, and this setup results in an inconsistent environment. Unfortunately, when path is not specified, we need to revert to virtualenv because of a bug in ansible's pip module.

Data distribution

Most task take one (or more) input directories, process the files in them one-by-one, and write the result to an output directory. The script distribute_files.py apportions the input files into per-Slave directories, e.g.

distribute_files.py -i 2018/cc_corpus_hu/ -o working_dir/ -H host1:1 -H host2
-H host3:0.5

The number after the host names are the host weights: the number of files assigned to each host will be proportional to these numbers.

Warning: the script only sees files at this point, so if the number of documents is distributed unevenly, a machine might still end up with a disproportionately large or small amount of data. Use renumber_corpus_files.py to distribute documents evenly in the input files.

Task execution

The tasks are run via Ansible. Each Python script can be executed distributedly (is there such a word?) by running the playbook python.yml. Most of the work is done by the python role.

What it does is:

  • it runs the script specified in the python_script argument on all Slaves in a tmux session
  • calls it with the -P processes argument where processes is a host variable (so it can be set on a group or host basis)
  • passes the rest of the arguments to the script as-is
  • except arguments whose value starts with a dollar sign ($). These are interpreted as keys in the per_host_args dictionary. When running the script, the values in the dictionary are copied into the argument line, extended with the host name
  • the script will be executed in the working_dir of the user's choosing.

The script arguments can be specified in the -e (--extra-args) argument of ansible-playbook, in the following way. Note that per-host arguments are supplied in a dictionary (without the - or -- in the keys). Note that the value to -e must be in JSON (YAML) format.

ansible-playbook -i hosts python.yml -e
'{"python_script": "minhash.py", "log_file": "minhash_2018.log",
  "working_dir": "/mnt/data/lang/Hungarian/cc_corpus",
  "arguments": "--input $input -o $output --unit doc -p 256 -n 5 -L info",
  "per_host_args": {"input": "2018/cc_corpus_hu",
                    "o": "2018/cc_corpus_hu_minhashes"}}'

Output collection

If all Slaves operate on shared storage, the output dictionary can be a common parameter, and then all files will be written to it. If not, it must be a per-host parameter, and the contents of the per-host output directories must be merged by hand.


GNU LGPL 3.0 or any later version.

If you use this program please cite the following paper:

Nemeskey, D.M.: Natural Language Processing Methods for Language Modeling. Ph.D. thesis, Eötvös Loránd University (2020)

@PhDThesis{ Nemeskey:2020,                                                 
  author = {Nemeskey, Dávid Márk},
  title  = {Natural Language Processing Methods for Language Modeling},
  year   = {2020},
  school = {E\"otv\"os Lor\'and University}