
Simple app for sending a toast notifications

Primary LanguageC#



win-notify.exe --app TestApp --timeout false --xml "<toast activationType='protocol' launch='http://google.com/'><visual><binding template='ToastGeneric'><text>Title</text><text>Body</text><image placement='appLogoOverride' src='file:///C:/test.jpg' hint-crop='circle' /></binding></visual></toast>"

Command line arguments


required arguments:
  --app            	APP_ID for notification (will be shown in the notification bottom)
  --timeout			true or false (expectation for dismissing/activating event)
  --xml				Notification template

Notification template


<toast activationType='protocol' launch='http://google.com/'>
    <binding template='ToastGeneric'>
      <image placement='appLogoOverride' src='file:///C:/test.jpg' hint-crop='circle' />

TODO: another way of receiving notification template (?)

Like a toaster, but without shortcut (only win10?) and with custom app id.