
Nautilus extension to copy/paste images between files and clipboard

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Nautilus extension to paste from clipboard to a file and to copy an image from a file to the clipboard.

Heads up: This code is currently broken. Clibpboard handling changed significantly in Gtk4/Gdk4. HEAD almost works on Gtk4/Gdk4. See 9e5a133 for code that works on Gtk3/Gdk3.


  • GNOME 3.x
  • Nautilus 3.x
  • python3-nautilus package (sudo apt install python3-nautilus)

Installation from source

make install
nautilus -q; nautilus ~


Once installed:

  • Select an image file, open the context menu, and select Copy as Image. All image extensions supported by GdkPixbuf are supported. screenshot

  • With an image on the cliboard, open the background context menu and select Paste Image. The file will appear as Cliboard <timestamp>.png. The path and image format are not customizable (for now). screenshot


Contributions welcome.

Use make install-dev to install as symlink. You'll need to restart nautilus to reload.

NAUTILUS_PYTHON_DEBUG=misc nautilus . increases nautilus verbosity.

Source code is formatted with black and isort.

See also

https://github.com/atareao/nautilus-copypaste-images is similar. (I was unable to make it, or any of the forks, work.)