
Reed CSO status web app: live blotter and map

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


The app's primary function is to display Reed College Community Safety Incident data in two forms: as a live-feed blotter and as clickable icons on a map of campus.


-clone the repo (git clone https://github.com/reed-college/blop) and cd into it -check your remote (git remote -v) -make the reed-college/blop repo the upstream (git remote add upstream https://github.com/reed-college/blop.git) (check remote again, make sure upstream is right) -create a new branch (so when you push to github it pushes to your branch and not to master, that way we can all verify before committing it to master): git checkout -b [branch name] (probably best to just use your name) -push your branch to github (git push upstream [name])

  • a few other commands: to pull in changes from the master branch to yours: git fetch upstream to merge those changes with your branch: git merge upstream to delete your branch locally: git branch -d [name] then to delete it on github: git push upstream :[name] so when you make changes you want to commit and send to github, do this: stage all changes: git add . commit all changes: git commit -am "some message" push to master: git push upstream [name]

To check if you have things needing to be committed/added, run git status

Once you have the repo cloned and are working on your branch (git branch will tell you which branch you're on. git checkout [branch] will switch branches. don't change things locally on the master branch...), create your virtualenv however you do that. Instructions here assume you use(d) virtualenvwrapper.

run pip install -r requirements.txt

Then we need to set the PYTHONPATH environment variable, so that the path when you activate your virtual environment is the root folder of the blop directory. Using virtualenvwrapper, that means you have to set the variable in the 'postactivate' hook inside the folder that contains your virtualenvs. To find that folder, run echo $WORKON_HOME ... for me this is ~/.python_virtualenvs.

run subl/nano/vim ~/[folder_containing_virtualenvs]/[blop_virtual_env_name]/bin/postactivate So for me it's: subl ~/.python_virtualenvs/blop/bin/postactivate Type in that document export PYTHONPATH=[path_to_blop_root_folder] So for me it's export PYTHONPATH=~/SDS/blop Save and exit. De-activate and re-activate your virtual environment, then run echo $PYTHONPATH and you should see the path to blop's root folder.

Next, you need to set up the database. You must have postgres running on your machine. Run psql In the shell run create database blop; and then \l - make sure blop is one of the listed databases. Next you need to create an enum type -- for the column in the database containing an enum (a list of acceptable strings). Run CREATE TYPE general_enum as ENUM ('Off Campus', 'Outside On Campus', 'Residence Hall', 'Other Campus Building');. Then run \q to quit.

Next, from the root folder of blop, run python scripts/manage.py db upgrade

Then to seed the database with types and locations, run python scripts/manage.py loc_seed (locations) and python scripts/manage.py type_seed (types)

To add practice incidents to the database for development purposes, run python scripts/manage.py add_fake_incidents


Blop's database contains three tables. The table classes and columns can be viewed in blop/models.py. Two of these tables--locations and types--are relatively static; they contain the location names/codes and type descriptions/codes for different kinds of incidents on campus. Both Types and Locations include a unique ID primary key column.

The code column in both tables contains the abbreviated codes used by Community Safety to classify incidents, and the description column in the Types table as well as the name column in the Location table contain plain English descriptions/names for the types/locations. For example, one row in the types table contains the code HARA and the description Harassment