
Orals Board Project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Kronos travisci-status

flask site for scheduling and viewing orals


  • Make sure you have python 3.5.1 and postgres 9.5.1
  • make a new db in postgres, I called mine kronos_dev
  • type git clone https://github.com/reed-college/kronos.git
  • make a virtualenv see (here)[http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/]
    • basically in this project directory run virtualenv -p /path/to/python3 .
  • run cp kronos/config.py.template kronos/config.py
  • edit config.py to have the correct postgres URI for the db you just created
    • Make sure the username and password you type in are for a user who can edit the db, such as the owner
  • then you should be good to go, run python runserver.py and go to localhost:5000/
  • If you want test data, run python populatedb.py

Running Tests

  • Run py.test in the home directory
    • make sure you have a test database set up (see under 'More Detailed DB setup)
  • If you're a contributor you don't need to do that as your tests will get run on Travis (travis-ci.org), but that usually takes about a minute longer than running them locally

More Detailed DB setup

This is exactly how I set my db, you don't need to follow it exactly for it to work, but it may be useful if you're not used to postgres

  • launch psql in the command line
  • typing \conninfo will tell you what port to enter into the URI under the Config class in config.py
    • with default postgres settings, the host:port section of the URI should be localhost:5432, but coninfo will tell you exactly what port if its not 5432
  • type in CREATE ROLE kronos_dev_user WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password' CREATEDB;
    • then username:password in the URI should be kronos_dev_user:password
  • enter in CREATE DATABASE kronos_dev WITH OWNER kronos_dev_user;
    • in this case the /mydatabase part of the URI should be /kronos_dev
  • If you followed this guide exactly and used the default postgres port, the full URI would be, postgresql+psycopg2://kronos_dev_user:password@localhost:5432/kronos_dev
  • You also should make a test database and enter its URI under TestConfig in config.py
    • if you type CREATE DATABASE kronos_test WITH OWNER kronos_dev_user; into psql, then the URI should be postgresql+psycopg2://kronos_dev_user:password@localhost:5432/kronos_test, assuming you did everything else in this guide the same


First time setup:

  • Start with empty db
  • run python manage.py db upgrade

After making any changes to models.py you must:

  • run python manage.py db migrate
  • run python manage.py db upgrade
  • add the new migrations to source control (git add -A should do it)
  • push changes to master soon after so that everyone else can get these changes before they change the models as well

After pulling someone elses new migrations:

  • run python manage.py db upgrade