
the (bare bones) beginnings of the cs hw project for the sds

Primary LanguagePython

Python3 Virtual Env

  • mkdir ~/Envs/sds_vrfy
  • pyvenv ~/Envs/sds_vrfy
  • and once you're in the directory where this project is, activate the virtual environment with: source ~/Envs/sds_vrfy/bin/activate

Start the Database / Create a Table

  • pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/var/postgres
  • psql -l //lists databases
  • createuser <username>
  • createdb -O <username> <dbname>

Start Redis (Used as a message broker with Celery)

  • redis-server
  • Test to see if it's up & accepting connections with redis-cli ping


  • in a new tab, start celery to monitor tasks with: celery --app=vrfy.celery:app worker --loglevel=DEBUG
  • in another tab, run celery -A vrfy flower, which starts a simple webserver so you can monitor the workers and tasks

Use these names in the settings file

Running locally:

  • In Debian, run the following, sudo apt install python3-pip virtualenv libpq-dev python-dev postgresql postgresql-client supervisor chromium
  • Setup postgres database goodies: As the postgres user psql -c "CREATE ROLE vrfy_dev_usr WITH PASSWORD 'pass'; ALTER ROLE vrfy_dev_usr with LOGIN; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE vrfy_dev to vrfy_dev_usr;" and then psql -c "CREATE DATABASE vrfy_dev OWNER vrfy_dev_usr;"
  • In Debian, install Docker via these steps https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/debian/
  • Create the vrfy user: adduser vrfy and then add it to the sudo and docker groups: sudo usermod -aG sudo,docker vrfy
  • Create a python3 virtual environment for the project and source it: cd ~; virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.5 py3_env; source py3_env/bin/activate
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt this command installs the python libs for this project
  • Install npm on Debian via https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/blob/master/README.md#debinstall (good ole curl-to-bash as root)
  • Install bower via npm: sudo npm install -g bower
  • bower install this command installs the bower components required for this project
  • Run mkdir /home/vrfy/vrfy/logging/
  • python3 manage.py collectstatic this collects static files from the static folders and the bower_components directories (as per vrfy/settings.py).
  • Run python3 manage.py migrate
  • Install grunt: sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
  • grunt this command creates the files & folder necessary (e.g course/static/course)
  • Create the superuser for the admin console: python3 manage.py createsuperuser
  • python3 manage.py gruntserver this is a custom command that integrates the task runner grunt with the traditional runserver command provided by django (see [https://lincolnloop.com/blog/simplifying-your-django-frontend-tasks-grunt/] if you're curious). Grunt compiles all .scss files into .css, concatenates all .js files and puts them into the /static/ subdirectory of the course app. Whenever a change is made to a .js file in course/js (and respectively, a .scss file in course/sass) grunt recompiles everything and the changes are reflected in the browser (at localhost:8000). Of course, you can always use python3 manage.py runserver, which runs the server using localhost at port 8000.

If there are migrations to make:

  • python3 manage.py makemigrations <app_name>
  • python3 manage.py migrate

Getting Tango to work

  • clone Tango to your machine
  • Follow their instructions for getting Tango running with docker
  • In vrfy/settings.py change TANGO_ADDRESS to the Tango server's address, TANGO_KEY to one of the keys for the server and TANGO_COURSELAB_DIR to the directory where Tango will store its courselabs
  • When you start the server you may want to use sudo, ie: sudo python restful-tango/server.py to make sure it has permission to edit the courselabs

Notes on cs.reed.edu from the sysadmin side of things:

  • Startup scripts for all the necessary cshw/vrfy services are under /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
  • The main config file for Tango is /home/vrfy/Tango/config.py
  • The main config files for cshw/vrfy are /home/vrfy/vrfy/vrfy/settings.py and /home/vrfy/vrfy/vrfy/settings_local.py. Any variable set in settings_local.py will supercede the one in settings.py
  • Database backups are handled via a crontab entry for the vrfy user. It runs the following "/bin/sh $HOME/vrfy/scripts/backup.sh 2>&1 /dev/null". The entire virtualmachine also has weekly snapshots taken for disaster recovery if needed.
  • All the grading scripts live under /home/vrfy/vrfy/problem_assets/SECTION_NAME/solutions/PROBLEM_NAME/