
A dockerized version of the Bioconductor Hub Server

Primary LanguageShell

title author date output
Bioconduction Hub Server Docker Deployment
Maya Reed McDaniel

Based on the work of Lori Shepherd and the Bioconductor team

Dockerizing the Bioconductor Hub Server

  • The Bioconductor Hub Server is like a little local instances of AnnotationHub and ExperimentHub
    • For example, if a research group wanted their own Hub instance
  • The hub is a Ruby application with MySQL and SQLite databases
  • See GitHub on the versioning branch


  • Created a Dockerfile that starts of with the Ruby image (base is Ubuntu buster), and installs the following:
    • sqlite
    • MySQL client libraries
    • appropriate version of Ruby bundler
  • Additionally, application source files, database scripts, and application scripts are added in the image as well (cloned from GitHub)
  • Created a docker-compse.yaml with a Ruby container built from the augmented Ruby Dockerfile and a vanilla MySQL container
  • Ruby container waits until the MySQL container is running to initialize the MySQL database, apply the database migrations, and start the hub server application, commands for which are contained in the app.sh file


  • for bringing up the two containers which make up the hub server application; if it doesn't already exist, this will also build the Ruby based image
alias biochubup='docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml logs -f'
  • for bringing down the containers
alias biochubdown='docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml down'
  • for direct command line access to the MySQL database container
alias biochubdb='docker exec -ti bioc-hub-server-db mysql --user=mrmcd --password=secretpw'
  • for direct command line access to the Ruby based container
alias biochubapp='docker exec -ti bioc-hub-server-app bash'
  • alternative way to access the MySQL database container
mysql --host=bioc-hub-server-db --port=3306 --user=mrmcd --password=secretpw hubserverdb


  • The core Ruby app must be run with the host option so that the container is listening on all interfaces for requests and not just its own internal localhost
  • Software versions were kept as close to the original as possible, but some tweaks were made to accommodate newer versions of Ruby and the underlying Ubuntu image (buster)