
A web app using Identity to allow users to add treats and flavors

By Nick Reeder

Build Status

Technologies Used

  • c#
  • .Net
  • Microsoft.NET.Test
  • Razor
  • Entity
  • MVC architecture
  • EF Core
  • Identity

Get Started

  • Open your favorite Terminal


git clone https://github.com/reeder32/PierresBakery.Solution.git

Install Database

Download MySqlWorkBench

Open in VS Code
cd PierresBakery.Solution
code .


  1. In the root folder create a file 'appsettings.json'
  2. Copy text below:
  "ConnectionStrings" : {
    "DefaultConnection" : "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=nick_reeder;uid=root;pwd=epicodus;"

FYI If the below command doesn't work, you may not have dotnet -ef command available yet...

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

dotnet ef database update

Run on Browser

cd PierresBakery
dotnet run

Open your browser here


MIT License © 2021 Nick Reeder

Contact Information

email me

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