Realtime Visualization of Streaming Sensor Data

By Cam Lunt and Ryan Reede


To illustrate what goes on behind the scenes of Virtual and Augmented Reality applications. To do so, a Javascript visualization shows linear tranformations (quaternions) taking place in realtime so as to show what portion of a 3D environment a GPU will render (and at what quality) so that a user in VR can look and shift their viewpoint at any given point and still have frames prepared for them at over 75hz.


  • Translational (acceleromter) and Rotational (gyroscope) data generated by Project Tango device
  • Data sent via socket to Kafka Producer
  • Data queued and sent to Kafka Consumer (Jetty Server)
  • Logic preformed in Jetty backend and sent via html5 WebSockets to browser
  • THREE.js visualization of data


By Cam Lunt and Ryan Reede