
My dotfiles utilizing Chezmoi for management [Mirror]

Primary LanguageCSS

      _       _    __ _ _           
     | |     | |  / _(_) |          
   __| | ___ | |_| |_ _| | ___  ___ 
  / _` |/ _ \| __|  _| | |/ _ \/ __|
 | (_| | (_) | |_| | | | |  __/\__ \
  \__,_|\___/ \__|_| |_|_|\___||___/

Table of Contents


These are my dotfiles for various systems which are managed using chezmoi

This includes custom profiles for various machines

Chezmoi TLDR

chezmoi init <repo>
chezmoi apply -n    # Apply changes to ~ (Dry run)
chezmoi archive     # Create an archive of the dotfiles
chezmoi cd          # cd to chosmoi source path
chezmoi merge       # Merge changes made to local copy with chezmoi managed
chezmoi update      # Pull latest version from git and apply changes

chezmoi add ~/.my_file      # Manage new file
chezmoi forget ~/.my_file   # Stop managing a file
chezmoi managed             # View managed files

Configs and Applications

Check out the README's of the various apps for shortcuts, plugin info, etc:


Application Min Version
Chezmoi 2.3
Tmux 3.3
Vim 8.2
zsh 5.8

The above are only the versions that each package was last known working with. It's possible earlier versions may work, although not for all applications. For instance, Tmux 3.3 is required for support of $XDG_ variables (e.g. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME)

Optional Requirements

See the configuration file for enabling

Application Min Version Notes
Firefox ??? Configures more secure and private profile.js settings
Code - OSS ??? Sets various extension settings, including activating the One Dark Pro color theme and Material Icon Theme

Chezmoi Configuration File (Optional)

Create the chezmoi configuration at ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml:

    hostname_color = "blue"

    enabled = true
    bookmarks = "/home/user/bookmarks.html"

    enabled = true

    email = "git@email.com"
    name = "My User"
    ssl_verify = false

[data.code] # Code OSS (VSCode alternative)
    enabled = true

Initial Setup

Chezmoi does not support submodules. However, submodules are how we want to handle this rather than having to use the chezmoi configuration

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS git.io/chezmoi)"
chezmoi init <repo>
chezmoi apply -v -n         # Remove -n to actually apply

Special Notes

Mozilla Firefox

I utilize various user.js and userChrome.css tweaks. These are setup within ~/.mozilla/firefox/personal-profile.default/.

Because of how firefox creates profile directories with randomish names, the best method is to:

  1. Make Sure Firefox is Closed
  2. Rename your current profile to personal-profile.default
  3. Symlink personal-profile.default to your original directory's name

For example:

mv ~/.mozilla/firefox/yyaabb123.default ~/.mozilla/firefox/personal-profile.default
ln -s ~/.mozilla/firefox/personal-profile.default ~/.mozilla/firefox/yyaabb123.default

Renaming the profile (firefox -p), renaming the directory, and modifying profiles.ini isn't enough either. You would need to check the profile directory for any files where the path is hardcoded.

Unfortunately, it can't be automated with Chezmoi. Chezmoi can NOT add files to the symlink directory. It will delete the symlink and create just the directory needed.

The above implementation seems to get around these issues.


  • Default Prefix: ctrl + a or ctrl + b

On first install, it may be necessary to run the following to download the plugins and reload tmux:
