
Drawing the age old golden rectangle in d3, cuz why not

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Golden Rectangle in d3js

A rendering of the Golden Spiral using d3.js

See a live demo

The chart is defined with mbostocks recommended chart template, with the interesting twist that it is (sometimes doubly) recursive.

Example useage:

// d3 components
var chart = goldenRectangleChart();

// Assumption: svg.goldenRectangle exists in HTML

// Same thing, but with additonal options:

// d3 components
var chart = goldenRectangleChart()
	// How many levels down to go.
	// Draw the doubley nested beautiful rectangle
	// WARNING: Setting mini to 'true' incurs SERIOUS performance lag
	// Suggest you don't go above maxDepth 10 when this is turned on.

// Assumption: svg.goldenRectangle exists in HTML