Hyperscript but it's transpiled experiment

NOTE: This project is defunct. I wanted to continue this experiment using TypeScript, so I made a new project here.

Rewriting hyperscript (hyperscript.org) from scratch and seeing if I can do it transpiled. This is mostly to learn about language design, not with any near hope of surpassing what hyperscript does.


The HTML page demos what is currently working.

To see the HTML page in action, you'll need to serve it. An easy way to do this is

npx live-server


When you run npm run test right now, what will happen is this:

PeggyJS takes the PEG language grammar file and outputs a JavaScript parser in a new file. It then duplicates this parser file with a different name to satisfy both HTML and Node naming requirements.

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
flowchart LR

Then it runs a Node test which imports and uses that freshly minted parser JavaScript file.

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
flowchart LR
    test{{node parser.test.js}}
    report[\parser test pass/fail report\]

And if all of those tests succeed, then it runs more Node tests for the transpiler.

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
flowchart LR
    parserReport[\parser test pass/fail report\]
    test{{node transpiler.test.js}}
    transpilerReport[\transpiler test pass/fail report\]

Note: It's much faster if you're working on a specific level to only run that test in watch-mode. E.g.

node --watch --test transpiler.test.js

Then yet more Node tests for the runtime.

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
flowchart LR
    transpilerReport[\transpiler test pass/fail report\]
    test{{node runtime.test.js}}
    runtimeReport[\runtime test pass/fail report\]


My general strategy for adding new features is to start with wishful thinking:

  1. write some code which I wish worked in index.html
  2. see that it doesn't work yet
  3. write a failing test in parser.test.js,
  4. make it pass.
  5. commit
  6. write a failing test in transpiler.test.js,
  7. make it pass
  8. ammend my commit
  9. write a failing test in runtime.test.js,
  10. make it pass
  11. ammend my commit
  12. make what I wrote in index.html work
  13. ensure all the tests still pass
  14. ammend my commit


  1. Environment must provide a global object, ____, which has these functions:
    1. wait(milliseconds) returns a promise that resolves after the given number of milliseconds
    2. next(start, root, selectorString) finds the next element after start matching the selector under the root element

runtime.install(global) ensures the ____ exists on the given global. You probably want to pass window.

runtime.run(source, element) runs the hyperscript-ish source string on the element.