
Script to subscribe your account to all streams

Primary LanguagePython

Get an API key

Follow these instructions to get a zuliprc file. Place it in the root of this directory.

Make a backup of ALL streams in the zulip instance

The stream subscription API endpoint has the caveat that if we attempt to subscribe to a stream which does not exist, it creates it. This scares the shit out of us, because we're doing a bulk operation. So we are going to be extra safe and do some sort of verification that each stream we attempt to subscribe to actually exists first.

On second thought, we're just goin for it. You only live once. But we'll make a backup just in case we screw something up.

python3 get-all-streams.py > all-streams-backup.json

Note: Reverting based on this backup is left as an exercise to the reader.

Make a backup of your current subscriptions

python3 get-all-my-subscriptions.py > my-subscriptions-backup.json

Note: Reverting based on this backup is left as an exercise to the reader.

Subscribe to all streams

NOTE: Do the backup above before you do this, if you want to go back to your current life easily.

python3 subscribe-to-all-streams.py