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Hi there, I'm Hemant


🙎 Hemant Joshi | 💻 Full Stack Developer | 🛸 India , UK

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I'm 18 years old Self-taught Full-Stack developer from India.

  • 🥀 Learning GraphQl NextJs &Typescript

  • with Javascript, React and 69 others.

  • 🔭 SpaceX FanBoi, Vanilla in Space😼

  • 🛸 Into High Energy Physics and Astrophysics, i love shotting stars too.

  • I do ReactJS and JavaScript with Redux - Context - Hooks and a lot of love ❤️

  • MERN stack Developer

System Design | Web Development | Micro Services | Competitive Programming | Machine Learning

  • 💬 Connect? lets get social 👉🏼

- Languages and Tools...

html csharp js python react vue chrome cloud datascience aws npm gcp bash vscode

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- Podcast ⚡️

Stay awesome!