
Sink Server Container for zrepl Replication Client

Primary LanguageDockerfile

zrepl sink

Sink server daemon container for zrepl push jobs. This is intended for environments which have a kernel that support ZFS but are unable to deploy zrepl sink job type such as TrueNAS Scale.

This is experimental proof of concept for testing. You should already have working knowledge of zrepl, its configuration and why you would want a sink server.

Test Environment

  1. Create a dataset container to hold sink job datasets from remote hosts

    • Adjust the ZFS pool name and dataset name for your needs, zroot/zrepl_sink_data is used here:
    zfs create zroot/zrepl_sink_data -o mountpoint=none -o canmount=off -o readonly=on
  2. Create config directory for zrepl.yaml and certificates.

    • This directory will be mapped into the container

    • Do store this within the sink dataset as it will remain unmounted

      mkdir ./config
  3. Create TLS Certificates for zrepl sink daemon container

    • zrepl transport documents different method to support inbound connections and client identification, this example assumes TLS certificates
    • ca.crt - certificate authority certificate
    • sink-srv.crt - Sink server daemon certificate
    • sink-srv.key - Sink server daemon private key
    $ ls -l ./config
    .rw------- rich rich 1.2 KB Thu Aug  3 14:39:09 2023 ca.crt
    .rw-r--r-- rich rich 4.6 KB Thu Aug  3 14:39:21 2023 sink-srv.crt
    .rw------- rich rich 1.7 KB Thu Aug  3 14:39:31 2023 sink-srv.key
  4. Customize zrepl.yml configuration file (see example sink config file)

    • The jobs section defined the sink job for the daemon:
      - type: sink
        name: zrepl_sink_server
    • The root_fs defined the ZFS pool and dataset the daemon will use (dataset created in Step 1)

      • ZFS filesystems are received to $root_fs/$client_identity/$source_path
        root_fs: "zroot/zrepl_sink_data"
    • Define how connections will be served, this will listen for tls connections on port 8448:
          type: tls
          listen: ":8448"
          listen_freebind: true
    • Define the full pathname for certificates used inside the Sink Server daemon container (paths are inside the container):
          ca: /config/ca.crt
          cert: /config/sink-srv.crt
          key: /config/sink-srv.key
    • Define names of clients allowed to connect to the Sink Server daemon (adjust the names to match the CN values in the certificates you generated):
            - "dldsk01"
            - "k3s01"
            - "k3s02"
            - "k3s03"
            - "k3s04"
            - "k3s05"
            - "k3s06"
    • Review property overrides, below prevents the Sink Server daemon host from trying to mount or allow modifications of replicated datasets:
              # Force mountpoint to be inherited from Sink container (set to none)
                - "mountpoint"
              override: {
                # These two need to be disabled to support ZVOL replication
                # "canmount": "off",
                # "mountpoint": "none"
                "readonly": "on",
                "openzfs.systemd:ignore": "on"
    • Review properties assigned to placeholder datasets. zrepl will maintain the hierarchy of your filesystem datasets even if you do not replicate all of them. Datasets not replicated will have a placeholder created for them:
            encryption: inherit

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be set within the container:

Variable Description Default Value
CONFIG Full pathname inside container to zrepl.yml /config/zrepl.yml

Running Test Container

docker run -d --privileged -p 8448:8448  \
  -v ./config:/config \
  -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
  --name zrepl_sink quay.io/reefland/zrepl_sink:latest
  • Container runs as root and requires --privileged to access the underlying hosts /dev/zfs device to issue zfs commands
  • The internal port number 8448 is defined in the zrepl.yml file, external port 8448 will be used for inbound connection from clients (adjust as needed)

Container Logs

$ docker logs zrepl_sink

* Default Config File Set: /config/zrepl.yml
* Config location verified.
* root_fs value for sink pool: zroot/sink

zroot/sink   247M   515G      320K  none

Attempting zrepl config check...
Attempting to start zrepl daemon...
2023-08-06T15:25:38Z [INFO]: zrepl version=v0.6.0 go=go1.19.2 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 Compiler=gc
2023-08-06T15:25:38Z [INFO]: starting daemon
2023-08-06T15:25:38Z [INFO][_control][job][Uv38$Uv38]: starting job
2023-08-06T15:25:38Z [INFO][zrepl_sink_server][job][Uv38$Uv38]: starting job

Enable Prometheus Monitoring

See zrepl project documentation on monitoring for details.

In the global: section of the zrepl.yml file add:

    - type: prometheus
      listen: ":9811"
      listen_freebind: true
  • Add the port forwarding to the docker run command: -p 9811:9811
  • Add the container IP address to the Prometheus Scape jobs (as well as all zrepl clients)

My work in progress Grafana dashboard for Zrepl Sink Server:

Grafana Dashboard for Zrepl Sink Server