
Pulsar Flex is a modern Apache Pulsar client for Node.js, developed to be independent of C++.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Apache Pulsar® client for Node.js

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PulsarFlex is a modern Apache Pulsar client for Node.js.

It was developed because the dependency in the official c++ external libraries does not fit some use cases.

Supports all os platforms that can run nodejs.


  • Producer
    • Access Modes
      • Exclusive
      • Shared
    • Send types
      • Batch
      • Single Message
    • Message Properties
    • Reconnection built in
  • Subscriptions
    • Subscription types
      • Exclusive
      • Fail over
      • Shared
      • Key_Shared
    • Acks
      • Specific ack
      • Cumulative ack
      • Automatic ack
      • Negative ack
    • Reconnection built in
    • Check redelivery count, increases on redeliver in Shared and Key_Shared modes
  • Authentication
    • JWT

Getting Started

npm install pulsar-flex


const { Producer, Consumer, logLevel } = require('pulsar-flex')

const producer = new Producer({
  topic: "persistent://public/default/my-topic",
  discoveryServers: ['pulsar-host:6650'],
  //If you dont provide any jwt token it will use no auth
  jwt: process.env.JWT_TOKEN,
  producerAccessMode: Producer.ACCESS_MODES.SHARED,
  logLevel: logLevel.INFO
  // you can also provide logCreator function

const consumer = new Consumer({
  topic: "persistent://public/default/my-topic",
  subscription: "my-subscription",
  discoveryServers: ['pulsar-host:6650'],
  jwt: process.env.JWT_TOKEN,
  subType: Consumer.SUB_TYPES.EXCLUSIVE,
  consumerName: 'Consumer name',
  receiveQueueSize: 1000,
  logLevel: logLevel.INFO,
  // you can also provide logCreator function

const run = async () => {
  await producer.create();
  // you can also send single message using sendMessage function
  await producer.sendBatch({messages: [
      properties: {pulsar: "flex"}, 
      payload: 'Ayeo' 
      properties: {pulsar: "flex"},
      payload: 'Ayeo'

  await consumer.subscribe();

  consumer.onStateChange(({previousState, newState}) => {
      console.log(`Consumer state has changed from ${previousState} to ${newState}.`);

  await consumer.run({
    onMessage: async ({ ack, message, properties, redeliveryCount }) => {
      await ack(); // Default is individual ack
      // await ack({type: Consumer.ACK_TYPES.CUMULATIVE});
    }, autoAck: false, // specify true in order to use automaticAck



We would love to get help from the community in order to accelerate and expose the latest features of pulsar.
