Starter code for the first independent project for [Android Basics in Kotlin]
This is the starter code for the Lemonade app project in the [Android Basics in Kotlin - Unit 1]. This project is an opportunity for you to demonstrate the concepts you learned in the unit.
- Complete [Unit 1] Concepts of Android Basics in Kotlin:
- Kotlin Variables
- Kotlin Functions
- Kotlin Classes and Objects
- Conditionals in Kotlin
- Build UI using XML
- ViewGroups and Views
- Download the starter code
- Open the project in Android Studio
- Complete the project in accordance with the project instructions
- Build your user interface
- Make your app interactive
- Step 1: Configure the ImageView
- Step 2: Implement clickLemonImage()
- Step 3: Implement setViewElements()
- Run your app
- Use the provided tests to ensure your app is running as expected