Build a fullstack Stripe Payments solution with Node.js. Learn the following concepts...
- Build a secure backend with Node.js & Express
- Manage Stripe Checkout sessions
- Use the Payment Intents API to support 3D Secure Payments
- Recurring subscriptions & webhooks
- Customize the UI with Stripe Elements
- Integrate with real cloud infrastructure (Firebase Auth & Firestore)
- Deploy as a Docker Container OR to Firebase Cloud Functions
Try the Live Demo (React).
Enroll in the Stripe JavaScript Course.
Clone this repo.
The /server
directory contains the Node.js API. Replace the .env
file with your API credentials.
cd server
npm install
npm run dev
Install the Stripe CLI to run webhooks in development.
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3333/hooks
The backend API can be integrated with the following frontend frameworks.
cd react-app
npm install
npm start
Work in Progress
Work in Progress
Dockerize the server for deployment to services like Cloud Run, GKE, Elastic Beanstalk, etc.
cd server
docker build -t fireship/stripe-server .
docker run -p 3333:3333 fireship/stripe-server
Deploy to Cloud Functions to simplify your code with a tight integration to Firebase.
firebase deploy --only functions