
Getting Started

This repo contains a basic resize for image app in Typescript in an API.

Prerequisites Technologies

Your must install the following in order to use the project:

Setup Steps

To get started:

1-Download the zip file locally.

2-using cd command.

3-install all dependencies using npm.

Runing the program locally in development mode

npm run start

-and then head to your browser at localhost:3000 and it should be working.

Runing the program locally in production mode

npm run build

node dist/index.js

Test the app

npm run test

Code formating

I'm using prettier and eslint

npm run prettier

npm run lint

Available images

• encenadaport • fjord • icelandwaterfall • palmtunnel • santamonica



(retrieve the image with hight=100 and width=100 which name fjord_100_100)


(retrieve the message “image is not found ,please enter the right name“)


(retrieve the message “please enter a valid size“)


(retrieve the message" sorry there is a missing parameter")