Reflow automatically creates pull requests, ensures the code review is approved, and squash merges finished branches to master with a great commit message template.
- 29thfloorQuire
- AEAMcNettUnited States
- apackeerMelbourne, Australia
- arjunbajaj@fostrom
- avelis@SchooLinks
- billthornton
- brian-springerBranch Metrics
- cloudify@heritageholdings
- demiazz@ReTable
- francisdbGhent, Belgium
- francoisSherbrooke, QC, Canada
- gc-victorPalma de Mallorca, España
- harisenbonSegMetrics, Inc
- hugochinchillaCodium Team
- JAStanton@convoyinc
- jefffederman@gusto
- joshuatbrown@roadfire
- likejane
- lisovskyvladFreelance
- manmalCreative Pragmatics GmbH
- mirfanIndia
- molinari
- mteodoroFastly
- nightscape@xencura
- robcowieRecycleye
- rubberneck
- sashka@mokote
- shanlalitNew Delhi, India
- shaundubuqueAustin
- shigeyaProject Professor, Keio University, @keio-dal, @Auto-ID-Labs, @Auto-ID-Lab-Japan
- sublimino@controlplaneio
- telescope7
- theskumar@Fueled
- tlockneyHubSpot
- treydembski
- unbracketedLincoln Loop