
An electron shell wrapper around the google voice website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

google-voice-desktop-app fork

Why a fork?

I forked this project because I saw a lot of cool PR's that weren't getting merged, so I built a fork with them included.


I'm annoyed at the lack of desktop app for voice, like hangouts had.

What does it do

It just lets you keep voice open without a chrome browser. It will also check the dom for notifications and display a badge in the task bar and closing the app will send it to a tray instead of closing.


Currently supports both OSX, Windows 10 & Linux

Questions? Ideas? Join us in discord https://discord.gg/3SSS6vkKET


Go to the Releases Page and download the release for your OS.

Simply uzip and drag into the applications folder (mac) or run the executable (windows) or run the app image (ubuntu)

Mac Note: The mac version is unsigned, so you will have to click "Open Anyway" after running, or go to Settings > Security & Privacy > General > Open Anyway. Sorry not paying for a dev license just for this

Linux Note: You will have to make the AppImage executable in order to run it. Right Click > Properties > Permissions > Allow Executing file as a program


New in 1.1 we now have different themes! You can change your theme by clicking on the customize menu on the left side of the page


Not only themes but also a system for themeing! If you want to create your own theme and contribute back to the project you can do that here

Run From Source

git clone https://github.com/reesericci/google-voice-desktop-app.git

npm install

electron .

To build yourself you can run electron-builder --linux or electron-builder --mac or electron-builder --windows


Customize Icon made by dmitri13 from www.flaticon.com

Dracula https://github.com/dracula/dracula-theme

Solar / Minty / Cerulean https://bootswatch.com/