
python3 django3 结合Vue.js框架构建前后端分离web开发

Primary LanguageJavaScript


python3 django3 结合Vue.js框架构建前后端分离web开发



MySQL or PostgreSQL 11 or SQLite3


Create virtual environment

virtualenv -p python3 venv

Activate virtual environment

source ./venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Uncomment in settings.py the connection setting required for your database, and change user and password accordingly

Build front. Go to frontend folder and make production build

npm run build

or development build

npm run dev

Note: some packages may need to be updated or additionally installed. Read the npm response message and update/reinstall accordingly.

Prepare backend. In project repository run

python3 manage.py migrate

and start server

python3 manage.py runserver