
The vagrant configuration for my Software Engineering project.

Primary LanguagePuppet


This is the vagrant configuration that we'll use for the backend development.

Getting Started

  • Install the latest version of VirtualBox from here

  • Install the latest version of vagrant from here

  • Add the ubuntu/trusty64 box to your local machine.


vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
  • Clone this repository to a location of your choice. For me its

  • Move into the directory

cd ~/vagrant/pucho
  • Run this command:

vagrant up
  • Wait for magic to happen.
  • After seeing awesomeness, login to the VM using SSH:

vagrant ssh

Directory structure

The web_server/vagrant directory in the host machine is synced with the /vagrant directory in the guest machine.

The web_server/home/vagrant directory in the host machine is synced with the /home/vagrant/synced directory in the guest machine. All our code goes in here. Work in the web_server/home/vagrant directory from the host machine.

Setting up the IDE


  • Download the latest eclipse. Preferably from here so that all of us have the same eclipse development environment.
  • SSH into the vagrant VM

user@User-PC:~$ vagrant ssh

Packages Installed

  1. OpenJDK 7 JDK
  2. Ruby Version Manager (RVM)
  3. Ruby 1.9.3 (for librarian-puppet gem)
  4. Git
  5. Vim
  6. MySQL 5.6
  7. MongoDB
  8. Redis

To be installed

  1. Beanstalkd
  2. Play Framework