
First Python Project

Primary LanguagePython


First Python Project: http://www.marinamele.com/taskbuster-django-tutorial

pip3 python3 django 1.8 selenium

Environment Mangemment


Create a new virtual environment

$> cd taskbuster/env
$> pyvenv myenv
[creates myenv virtual environment directory]
$> source taskbuster/env/myenv/bin/activate
[activates myenv virutal environment]
$> deactivate

Add a dependency to a virutal environment

$> source taskbuster/env/taskbuster_test/bin/activate
$> pip install mypackage
$> pip freeze
[shows installed packages]
$> deactivate


Create directory for virutal environments

$> mkdir ~/.pyvirtualenvs

Install virutalenv and virtualenvwrapper

$> pip3 install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Add the following to .bash_profile

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.pyvirtualenvs
export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/Development/git
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh

Create a requriements directory and file per environment

$> mkdir requriements
$> touch requriements/{base.txt,env1.txt,env2.txt}

Make each env inherit from base

$> echo "-r base.txt" | tee -a env1.txt env2.txt

Specify shared dependencies in base.txt, and and environment specific dependencies in the appropriate env file.

$> echo "sharedDependency==1.0" >> requriements/base.txt
$> echo "env1Dependency==1.0" >> requriements/env1.txt

Init environment & dependencies for the first time

mkvirtualenv env1
pip install -r requriements/env1.txt

Load & unload an environment

workon env1
workon env2

Run tests

$> source taskbuster/env/taskbuster_test/bin/activate
$> python manage.py runserver
[check localhost:8000]
$> python functional_tests/all_users.py
[tests should pass]
$> deactivate