
  1. DLL Hijacking Tutorial
  2. Regshot
  3. Secrets + Memory Secrets + Folder -> nuclei -tags token,tokens,file,bucket
  4. ASLR + DEP
  5. Program installer has a digital signature?
  6. EXE + DLL signed
  7. Folder Permissions Check
  8. Uninstall program - check main folder -> registry for information
ID DSTG-ID Objectives Result Impact
1.1 DESKTOP-1-L2-QAS Ensure that each endpoint is tested using the Web Security Checklist. Critical
1.2 DESKTOP-2-L2-QAS Ensure the application neither stores nor exposes secrets in configuration files, logs, memory, registry, during installation, update or uninstallation. High
1.3 DESKTOP-3-L2-AS Ensure that all DLL files are signed to prevent DLL Hijacking attacks and safeguard against any potential tampering by users within the DLL library. High
1.4 DESKTOP-4-L1-QA Ensure all data (including during installation, update and delete) is transmitted through secure communication channels. High
1.5 DESKTOP-5-L2-QAS Ensure that the program installer has a digital signature. Medium
1.6 DESKTOP-6-L1-QAS Ensure there are no weak file/folder permissions according to user role, there is a principle of least privilege (applies if the user has no admin privileges on the system). Medium
1.7 DESKTOP-7-L1-QA Ensure that sensitive information like passwords, tokens, credit cards, etc., is not fully displayed in the UI. Medium
1.8 DESKTOP-8-L2-AS Ensure sensitive data stored (local data caching) is properly encrypted or anonymized, preventing unauthorized access even if someone gains control of the workstation. Medium
1.9 DESKTOP-9-L2-AS Ensure that Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and Data Execution Prevention (DEP) are enabled for the program files. Low
1.10 DESKTOP-10-L1-QAS Ensure that upon uninstallation of an application, all associated data (files/services/certificates/firewall rules/registry entries) is completely removed from the system. Low
1.11 DESKTOP-11-L2-QAS Ensure that program code is obfuscated and obfuscation prevents unauthorized parties from accessing the application logic and source code. Low