
Your Gateway to Web App bliss. Starter Template for a Backbone.js + Marionette.js + Require.js + Bootstrap webapp using Yeoman.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An example to get you started using Marionette.js + Require.js with Yeoman. Initially, this just looks like a Web App Login/Signup screen, but serves as a starting point for a new Web App and an example of Marionette.js + Require.js + Yeoman best practices.

This project aims to give you a starting point for a large Client Side MV* webapp. Marionette and Backbone provide Model/Collection/View/Event handling. Require.js handles modularization and dependency loading. Yeoman wraps it all up and makes it easier to develop, test and extend.

Loosely based on this post on StackOverflow.



Getting Started

If you've never installed Yeoman before, do this first.

  • Install node.js since we will need npm. Instructions here.
  • Install Yeoman: npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower

Once Yeoman is set up, do this.

  • Clone or download this repo.
  • Run npm install && bower install in the cloned directory.
  • Run grunt server. (This will open http://localhost:9000 in a browser)
  • Take a nap, you look tired.


Libraries Used

Maintainer: William Lindner - @wlindner