
The cocos2d-x flavor of The Open Code Project for In App Purchasing. This is an example project that uses android-store and ios-store IAP plugins. Shows how to create a unified c++ API that makes IAP as easy as it should be.

Primary LanguageC++

This project is a part of The SOOMLA Project which is a series of open source initiatives with a joint goal to help mobile game developers get better stores and more in-app purchases.

Haven't you always wanted an in-app purchase one liner that looks like this?!



The new Virtual Economy model V3 is merged into master. The new model has many new features and it works better than the old one. Old applications may break if they use in this new model so if you have already published games with android-store from before May 1st, 2013 clone this project with the 'v2.2' tag and not the 'v3.0' tag.

Want to learn more about modelV3? Try these:

The cocos2dx-store is the Cocos2d-x flavour of The SOOMLA Project. This project uses android-store and ios-store in order to provide game developers with in-app billing for their cocos2d-x projects.

Before you start, we suggest that you go over the information in ios-store and android-store so you get acquainted with the SOOMLA framework:

If you also want to create a storefront you can do that using SOOMLA's In-App Purchase Store Designer.


We've created a cocos2d-x extension and an example project:

cocos2dx-store v1.0

cocos2dx-store v1.0

cocos2dx-store-example v1.0

cocos2dx-store-example v1.0

Getting Started

  1. As with all Cocos2d-x projects, you need to clone the Cocos2d-x framework from here or download it from the Cocos2d-x website. If you decided to clone the git repository, make sure you're using the 2.1.4 tag.
  2. Recursively clone this repository into the extensions directory located at the root of your Cocos2d-x framework.
$ cd cocos2d-x/
$ git clone --recursive git@github.com:soomla/cocos2dx-store.git extensions/cocos2dx-store
  1. Clone the jansson library into the external directory located at the root of your Cocos2d-x framework.
$ cd cocos2d-x/
$ git clone https://github.com/vedi/jansson.git external/jansson
  1. Create a directory for your project in the projects directory located at the root of your Cocos2d-x framework.
  2. cocos2dx-store contains project bundles for Android Studio (IntelliJ IDEA) and XCode. These bundles contain bridges that Cocos2d-x uses to communicate with our Java or Objective-C code. Open one of the bundles, and continue to the corresponding section.

The Android project is an Android Studio project. Just open cocos2dx-store/proj.android from Android Studio to use it.

Instructions for iOS

To be added.

Instructions for Android

If you're building your cocos2dx application for the Android platform, open our Android Studio project from cocos2dx-store/proj.android and take a look at how to integrate it into your application.

In your Android Studio project:

  1. Create an Android.mk similar to the one under the proj.android/jni folder. Take a look at Application.mk and see how we added '-fexceptions' to 'APP_CPPFLAGS'.
  2. From cocos2dx-store/android.proj, add the project's src directory to your project's class-path as an external source.
  3. In the Getting Started section, we mentioned you need to recursively clone cocos2dx-store. By doing that you also cloned android-store into the cocos2dx-store/submodules directory. Make sure you add the SoomlaAndroidStore/src directory from android-store into your class-path as an external source.
  4. Add SoomlaAndroidStore/libs/square-otto-1.3.2.jar to your project as a library.

In your Cocos2d-x project:

  1. In your AppDelegate class, set the values for "Soom Sec", "Custom Secret", and "Public Key":
    • Custom Secret - is an encryption secret you provide that will be used to secure your data.
    • Public Key - is the public key given to you from Google. (iOS doesn't have a public key).
    • Soom Sec - is a special secret SOOMLA uses to increase your data protection. Choose both secrets wisely. You can't change them after you launch your game!
bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() {
	/* ... */
	/* ... */
  1. Create your own implementation of CCIStoreAssets that will represent the assets in your specific game (example). Initialize CCStoreController with the class you just created:

Initialize StoreController ONLY ONCE when your application loads.

  1. Now, that you have CCStoreController loaded, just decide when you want to show/hide your store's UI to the user and let CCStoreController know about it:

When you show the store call:


When you hide the store call:


Don't forget to make these calls. StoreController has to know that you opened/closed your in-app purchase store. Just to make it clear: the in-app purchase store is where you sell virtual goods (and not Google Play or App Store).

  1. You'll need an event handler in order to be notified about in-app purchasing related events. Refer to the Event Handling section for more information.

And that's it! You now have storage and in-app purchasing capabilities.

What's next? In App Purchasing.

When we implemented modelV3, we were thinking about way people buy things inside apps. We figured there many ways you can let your users purchase items in your game and we designed the new modelV3 to support 2 for them: PurchaseWithMarket and PurchaseWithVirtualItem.

PurchaseWithMarket is a PurchaseType that allows users to purchase a VirtualItem with Google Play or the App Store. PurchaseWithVirtualItem is a PurchaseType that lets your users purchase a VirtualItem with a different VirtualItem. For example: Buying a sword with 100 gems.

In order to define the way your various virtual itemsare purchased, you'll need to create your implementation of CCIStoreAssets (the same one from step 2 in the Getting Started section above).

Here is an example:

To create a VirtualCurrencyPack you call TEN_COINS_PACK first define a VirtualCurrency you call COIN_CURRENCY and then define the pack:

CCVirtualCurrency *COIN_CURRENCY = CCVirtualCurrency::create(

CCVirtualCurrencyPack *TEN_COIN_PACK = CCVirtualCurrencyPack::create(
	CCString::create("10 Coins"),
	CCString::create("A pack of 10 coins"),
	CCPurchaseWithMarket::create(CCString::create(TEN_COIN_PACK_PRODUCT_ID), CCDouble::create(0.99))

Now you can use StoreInventory to buy your new currency pack:


And that's it! cocos2dx-store knows how to contact Google Play or the App Store for you and will redirect your users to the purchasing system to complete the transaction. Don't forget to subscribe to store events in order to get the notified of successful or failed purchases (see Event Handling).

Test purchases on Android will not work (even in the debug library) if you won't switch Android's test mode on. In order to do that, call CCSoomla::setAndroidTestMode(true) in your AppDelegate class before initializing CCStoreController.

Storage & Meta-Data

When you initialize CCStoreController, it automatically initializes two other classes: CCStoreInventory and CCStoreInfo:

  • CCStoreInventory is a convenience class to let you perform operations on VirtualCurrencies and VirtualGoods. Use it to fetch/change the balances of VirtualItems in your game (using their ItemIds!)
  • CCStoreInfo is where all meta data information about your specific game can be retrieved. It is initialized with your implementation of CCIStoreAssets and you can use it to retrieve information about your specific game.

The on-device storage is encrypted and kept in a SQLite database. SOOMLA is preparing a cloud-based storage service that will allow this SQLite to be synced to a cloud-based repository that you'll define.

Example Usages

  • Get all the VirtualCurrencies:
CCArray *vcArray = CCStoreInfo::sharedStoreInfo()->getVirtualCurrencies();
  • Give the user 10 pieces of a virtual currency with itemId "currency_coin":
CCStoreInventory::sharedStoreInventory()->giveItem("currency_coin", 10);
  • Take 10 virtual goods with itemId "green_hat":
CCStoreInventory::sharedStoreInventory()->takeItem("green_hat", 10);
  • Get the current balance of green hats (virtual goods with itemId "green_hat"):
int greenHatsBalance = CCStoreInventory::sharedStoreInventory()->getItemBalance("green_hat");

Event Handling

SOOMLA lets you subscribe to store events, get notified and implement your own application specific behaviour to those events.

Your behaviour is an addition to the default behaviour implemented by SOOMLA. You don't replace SOOMLA's behaviour.

The CCSoomla class is where all event go through. To handle various events, create your own event handler, a class that implements CCEventHandler, and add it to the CCSoomla class:



The download packages and the code in the repo using the "release" versions of android-store and ios-store. Also, Cocos2d-x debug messages will only be printed out if you set SOOMLA_DEBUG to true in CCStoreUtils.

If you want to see full debug messages from android-store and ios-store you'll have to use the debug builds of those libraries. You can find those builds in the repo, in the folder soomla-native (android ios).


We want you!

Fork -> Clone -> Implement -> Test -> Pull-Request. We have great RESPECT for contributors.

SOOMLA, Elsewhere ...


MIT License. Copyright (c) 2012 SOOMLA. http://project.soom.la