
quick & dirty linux / cygwin utils for TKDIS (e-banking) format, I will add more if I need more.

Primary LanguageShell


Small bash utilities for handling TKDIS format that e-banks (at least here in Slovenia) still use the most.


tkdis2tsv - get tab separated data from fixed width
tkdis2tsv short - get only the rows that seem generally usefull

income - filter just income

amount-more X - pass thru transactions with amount more than X
amount-less Y - pass thru transactions with amount less than Y

sort-by-company - as named

sum-amounts - sum amounts by company
sum-amounts ext - sum amounts by grouping and showing transactions and summing them

Few examples

count payments by companies (alphabetically sorted)

cat sample.tkdis | ./tkdis2tsv short | ./income | ./amount-more 8 | ./amount-less 50 | ./sort-by-company | cut -f 19 | uniq -c

using additional command to sum / count transactions

cat sample.tkdis | ./tkdis2tsv short | ./income | ./amount-more 8 | ./amount-less 50 | ./sum-amounts


1      9.8	       MOJE PODJETJE DOO
1      9.8	       AGENCIJA JUG TIMOTEJ BAN S.P.
2      58.8	       METELKO ROBERTA S.P.
SUM:   5502.2

get sums of all income invoices between 2 prices

cat sample.txt | ./tkdis2tsv short | ./income | ./amount-more 8 | ./amount-less 50 | ./sum-amounts ext > sums.tsv


101000048385244	20	10.08.12	9.8	0001252012	PIPAN POP	METELKO ROBERTA S.P.
101000048385244	20	11.05.12	9.8	00522012	PIPAN POP	METELKO ROBERTA S.P.
101000048385244	20	14.05.12	9.8	00522012	PIPAN POP	METELKO ROBERTA S.P.
101000048385244	20	17.05.11	20.55	11001223	PIPAN POP	METELKO ROBERTA S.P.
101000048385244	20	25.11.11	9.8	11005841	PIPAN POP	METELKO ROBERTA S.P.
		12	128.35	

031141000099193	20	08.03.12	40.8	00262012	JURCKA 1	ZAVOD ZA RAZVOJ VESELJA
031141000099193	20	19.09.11	40.8	11003423	JURCKA 1	ZAVOD ZA RAZVOJ VESELJA
			ALL:	177	5148.27

open TSV file with libreoffice

libreoffice --calc sums.tsv &

this will be also usefull to import bank data in http://www.cebelca.biz