
Primary LanguageRuby

Test task

Initial assumptions

AWS access has been configured (~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials present), ruby and bundler present in the system

What does this do?

The recipes/provisioner will set up a set of machines and configure the network to serve a "hello world" app (see: https://github.com/refiito/testapp) Setup consists of:

  • VPC, 2 subnets (as seems RDS would like to have 2 subnets)
  • A RDS instance running postgres
  • A load balancer for serving the final application
  • A machine to clone, compile, configure and run the application


Chef is running in Zero/Standalone mode, so, to make this work:

  • Run bundle bundle install
  • Run the provisioning script bundle exec chef-client -z provisioning/setup.rb

There's a deployed setup to click through at http://testjob-margus-elb-1506669016.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com