
:zzz: Provides a LazyListener for use with League\Event which allows for lazy fetching of actual listeners.

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This repository provides a LazyListener for use with league/event, which allows for lazy fetching of an actual listener from the composed container.



$ composer require refinery29/league-lazy-event


Register your actual listener as a service with the container:

use League\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container->share(ExpensiveListener::class, function () {
     * here, some heavy lifting occurs that creates the actual listener,
     * which should implement the ListenerInterface
    return $listener;

Then register a LazyListener, composing the alias and the container:

use League\Event\Emitter;
use Refinery29\Event\LazyListener;

$emitter->addListener(ContentChangedEvent::class, LazyListener::fromAlias(

Trigger your events as needed!

$emitter->emit(ContentChangedEvent::class, new ContentChangedEvent(
    new DateTimeImmutable()

👍 Listeners are only ever fetched from the container when the event is handled.


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Code of Conduct

Please have a look at CONDUCT.md.


This package is licensed using the MIT License.