- 3
local_auth is missing.
#284 opened by INF800 - 1
- 0
customer_data_app doesn't run on < 3.12
#250 opened by masenf - 0
- 1
Axis titles not showing up in rx.plotly component
#175 opened by benwilks - 0
Help me with cookies please
#238 opened by fungalspores - 2
counter example: why response is slow, when click really fast, the counter takes seconds to catch up
#181 opened by zfusx - 2
- 0
- 1
Update Qr-Scanner example for 0.2.8
#153 opened by jpbaltazar - 0
rx.button color disapper when page reload
#140 opened by AManTw - 0
Fix all examples that yield/return events incorrectly
#139 opened by masenf - 0
Example Clock bug : the hour value is 0 at noon
#136 opened by AManTw - 1
nba: pagination doesn't reset when filtering the table
#126 opened by masenf - 0
- 1
pc run --backend-port is not work(0.1.32)
#93 opened by milochen0418 - 1
gpt example: frontend error (0.1.33)
#107 opened by milochen0418 - 1
- 2
counter example: reflex don't support rx command after install reflex 0.1.34
#123 opened by milochen0418 - 3
counter example: reflex (0.1.34) run failed for the first version of reflex counter
#122 opened by milochen0418 - 1
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 1
nba example: loading time is too long (>3min) when first time to run (0.1.33)
#109 opened by milochen0418 - 2
upload exmaple: click upload button will block everything if there is no any selected file (0.1.33)
#111 opened by milochen0418 - 6
stable_diffusion example: Mac cpu-only failed when click Generate New Image (0.1.33)
#116 opened by milochen0418 - 1
- 1
Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.
#113 opened by iseletsk - 4
- 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 0
nba example: all UI function failed after clicking Menu -> 20Dataset (0.1.33)
#108 opened by milochen0418 - 3
nba example: cutoff (0.1.32)
#83 opened by milochen0418 - 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
mobile testing
#85 opened by milochen0418 - 1
fragment example: UI layout strange (0.1.32)
#82 opened by milochen0418 - 1
- 1
nba example: pc run is halting
#77 opened by milochen0418 - 2
upload example: failed to upload - pc 0.1.30
#78 opened by milochen0418 - 0
- 0
Add example using pc.upload
#71 opened by picklelo - 1
sales example: get warning log
#68 opened by milochen0418 - 1
salse example: progress bar doesn't work
#69 opened by milochen0418