
Rule to detect the deletion of an AWS account password policy.

Primary LanguageHCLMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


A Reflex rule for ensuring the account password policy remains in a secure state.

To learn more about Account Password Policies, see the AWS Documentation.

For more information on changing Account Password Policies, see the AWS Documentation on updating Account Password Policies.

Getting Started

To get started using Reflex, check out the Reflex Documentation.


To use this rule either add it to your reflex.yaml configuration file:

    - reflex-aws-account-password-policy-insecure:
          minimum_password_length: 10
          require_symbols: False
          require_numbers: True
          require_uppercase_characters: True
          require_lowercase_characters: True
          allow_users_to_change_password: True
          max_password_age: 365
          password_reuse_prevention: 1
          hard_expiry: False
        version: latest

or add it directly to your Terraform:

module "account-password-policy-insecure" {
  source            = "git::https://github.com/reflexivesecurity/reflex-aws-account-password-policy-insecure.git?ref=v0.2.0"
  sns_topic_arn                  = module.central-sns-topic.arn
  reflex_kms_key_id              = module.reflex-kms-key.key_id
  minimum_password_length        = "10"
  require_symbols                = "False"
  require_numbers                = "True"
  require_uppercase_characters   = "True"
  require_lowercase_characters   = "True"
  allow_users_to_change_password = "True"
  max_password_age               = "365"
  password_reuse_prevention      = "1"
  hard_expiry                    = "False"
  mode                           = "remediate"

Note: The sns_topic_arn and reflex_kms_key_id example values shown here assume you generated resources with reflex build. If you are using the Terraform on its own you need to provide your own valid values.


This rule has the following configuration options:


Sets the rule to operate in detect or remediate mode.

Required: No

Type: string

Possible values: detect | remediate

Default: detect


Sets the minimum number of characters allowed in an IAM user password.

Required: No

Type: integer

Possible values: 6 - 128

Default: 8


Sets whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one of the following non-alphanumeric characters:

! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] { } | '

Required: No

Type: boolean

Possible values: True | False

Default: True


Sets whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one numeric character (0 to 9).

Required: No

Type: boolean

Possible values: True | False

Default: True


Sets whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one uppercase character from the ISO basic Latin alphabet (A to Z).

Required: No

Type: boolean

Possible values: True | False

Default: True


Sets whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one lowercase character from the ISO basic Latin alphabet (a to z).

Required: No

Type: boolean

Possible values: True | False

Default: True


Sets whether all IAM users in your account are able to use the AWS Management Console to change their own passwords.

Required: No

Type: boolean

Possible values: True | False

Default: True


Sets the number of days that an IAM user password is valid. If you do not specify a value, then the operation uses the default value of 0. The result is that IAM user passwords never expire.

Required: No

Type: integer

Possible values: 1 - 1095

Default: 0


Sets the number of previous passwords that IAM users are prevented from reusing. If you do not specify a value, then the default value of 0 is used. The result is that IAM users are not prevented from reusing previous passwords.

Required: No

Type: integer

Possible values: 1 - 24

Default: 0


Prevents IAM users from setting a new password after their password has expired. The IAM user cannot be accessed until an administrator resets the password.

Required: No

Type: boolean

Possible values: True | False

Default: False


If you are interested in contributing, please review our contribution guide.


This Reflex rule is made available under the MPL 2.0 license. For more information view the LICENSE