
Neos Rector Recipes for code migrations

Primary LanguagePHP


This package contains a Rector ruleset which is used for migrating from Neos 8.x to 9.0 (and possibly also further up).

It will eventually replace Core/Code Migrations (./flow flow:core:migrate), but right now it is still in Development.

Right now we focus especially on rules to migrate from the old Content Repository API (< Neos 9.0) to the Event Sourced Content Repository (>= 9.0).


# inside your Distribution folder
composer require --dev neos-rector:dev-main
cp Packages/Libraries/neos/rector/rector.template.php rector.php


Now, open up the rector.php file copied above, and adjust the Rector Paths (these are the paths which shall be migrated). By default, all of ./DistributionPackages will be migrated.

Right now, we ship the following sets of Rector rules:

  • \Neos\Rector\NeosRectorSets::CONTENTREPOSITORY_9_0: all rules needed to migrate to the Event-Sourced Content Repository (currently still in progress)


Run the following command at the root of your distribution (i.e. where rector.php is located).

# for trying out what would be done
./bin/rector --dry-run

# for running the migrations

Developing Rector Rules for Neos

(This section is not relevant for users, but for developers of the Neos Rector packages)

Running Tests

We develop all Rector Rules completely test-driven.

The test setup runs completely local; does not need any Distribution set up.

# if inside a Neos Distribution, change to the Package's folder
cd Packages/Libraries/neos/rector

# install PHPunit 
composer install

# run PHPUnit
composer test

Fusion Rector

We extended Rector specifically for migrating Fusion files, by providing a FusionFileProcessor and a FusionRectorInterface which you can implement if you want to build Fusion transformations.

The Fusion Rectors will usually use one of the following tooling classes:

  • EelExpressionTransformer: for finding all Eel expressions inside Fusion and AFX; and transforming them in some way.
  • (more tooling classes to come here as we need them).

The Fusion and AFX Parsing functionality is based on the official Fusion and AFX parsers. However, the classes are vendored/copied into this package by the ./embed-fusion-and-afx-parsers.sh script, because of the following reasons:

  • Rector needs to run even when Flow cannot compile the classes; so we cannot depend on a Flow package.
  • We slightly need to patch the AFX parser, because we need position information for Eel Expressions.

The Fusion parser was subclassed by Neos\Rector\Core\FusionProcessing\CustomObjectTreeParser for retaining position information of AFX and Eel Expressions.

Updating Fusion and AFX Parser

To update the vendored Fusion and AFX parsers, run the ./embed-fusion-and-afx-parsers.sh script.

Updating the AFX Parser Patch

The AFX parser needs a custom patch (see ./scripts/afx-eel-positions.patch) to retain positions.

To create/update this patch, do the following:

cd Packages/Neos

# apply the current patch
patch -p1 < ../Libraries/neos/rector/scripts/afx-eel-positions.patch

# Now, do your modifications as needed.

# when you are finished, create the new patch 
git diff -- Neos.Fusion.Afx/ > ../Libraries/neos/rector/scripts/afx-eel-positions.patch

# ... and reset the code changes inside Neos.Fusion.Afx.
git restore -- Neos.Fusion.Afx/