- acodervic
- Apprentice9999
- ArinerronZellic, redpwn/OSUSEC/DiceGang
- artamony
- CEv4ns
- DavidNash93
- DontLookAtMe
- emredavutsomewhere around the world
- evandrixUndisclosed
- EvilNing
- FBIGlowiesudo rm -rf /boot
- firebitsbrUniverse
- gemesaHighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH
- gordibusFrance - Türkiye
- ItzSomebodyUniversity of Kansas
- k0m4h
- kaankarakoc42turkey
- KeyboardRulesI don't want you to know
- lfontesm
- miamorViệt Nam
- mouEsamAlexandria, Egypt
- objnf-devChina
- ox1111블랙팔콘시큐리티(주)
- Rablidad
- Revi1337Seoul
- schrodyn
- tingtho
- werbhat
- williameom5678somewhere Earth
- wintrmvte@ RCL <*>
- x0341Around