
API CRUD build in Ruby Rails where the user can make calls to get the data, create new elements, delete certain elements, and update

Primary LanguageRuby

Book game API


The book your dream game API allows all the end points necessary for:

  • Create a stadium
  • Create a game by selecting the list of teams
  • Choose the desired date of the game
  • Reserve the seats you want (if available)
  • View all the reservations that the user owns

Live Demo

Live Demo

Kanban board

Built With

  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • JWT
  • Rswag

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps:


  • Ruby ruby-3.1.2 installed
  • PostgreSQL dbms running


  • Open your terminal and navigate to the folder you would like to save the project.

  • Type these commands into the terminal:

git clone https://github.com/rega1237/back-end-capstone-fullstack
cd back-end-capstone-fullstack
bundle install
bundle exec figaro install
  • The bundle exec figaro install is to install and create the application.yml file and create the environment variables

  • You will need to configure your application.yml file before you install and run the project. The application.yml file contains environment variables needed to deploy the webpage. You can find this file in the folder config/application.yml. There is a commented application_example.txt file you can use as a guide to configure your own.

  • Edit file application.yml

    • Provide the values for the variables
  • Type this commands into the terminal:

rails db:create
rails db:reset

Run application

  • Type this command into the terminal:
rails server


  • Type this command into the terminal:
rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
rails db:seed RAILS_ENV=test



👤 Rafael E. Guzman Arias

👤 Dangelo Arrivillaga

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.