Repository of NosDéputé : the french parliamentary monitoring website
- 2
CORS issue on the séance JSON file fetching
#204 opened by Guillaume-Levrier - 1
- 1
- 2
Documentation accès aux scrutins/votes par l'API?
#185 opened by lucgiffon - 0
Handle homonyms MPs
#200 opened by RouxRC - 2
- 1 file seems to be missing
#198 opened by francesco-gramegna - 1
Externalise some parsers in specific repos
#197 opened by RouxRC - 5
Ajouter la chaine Youtube des députés qui en ont une
#168 opened by mdamien - 0
Fix unslidable time slider in search results
#191 opened by boogheta - 2
mise a jour de la documentation opendata
#193 opened by petitkriket - 1
Requête SQL qui prend beaucoup de temps
#173 opened by guillaumefaugeron - 8
- 0
Fix issues with some scrutins [15ème législature]
#189 opened by RouxRC - 0
New parsing hémicycle
#186 opened by RouxRC - 11
New parsing commissions
#183 opened by RouxRC - 0
Fix parsing CR Commission new format
#170 opened by RouxRC - 8
- 0
Remove scrutins outside mandate time in MP votes page
#174 opened by RouxRC - 8
- 2
Rattacher les scrutins aux projets de loi ?
#182 opened by Merinorus - 1
Quel député vote comme moi ?
#184 opened by a7sev - 1
- 4
QoL - yield json député list as an object or a map with "nom" as key instead of an array
#180 opened by Guillaume-Levrier - 3
- 1
Intervention API data do not yield either author or législature as a properties
#179 opened by Guillaume-Levrier - 1
- 0
API Casing inconsistency
#176 opened by Guillaume-Levrier - 1
- 0
Remove style from links in comments
#172 opened by RouxRC - 5
- 6
Derniers dossiers non à jour via API
#163 opened - 0
- 3
- 0
- 1
Page blanche lors du requetage des amendements du texte 3527 (sécurité globale)
#161 opened by mdamien - 0
- 3
- 3
Ajouter les emails des senateurs
#165 opened by mdamien - 1
Table scrutin and parlementaire_scrutin empty in dump
#152 opened by mdamien - 1
nossenateurs last dump dates back to 2018
#146 opened by mdamien - 2
[production] Solr docker is full
#150 opened by mdamien - 0
[production] /srv/ is almost full
#151 opened by mdamien - 0
- 1
Link to is incorrect
#144 opened by mdamien - 8
- 2
- 3
warning dans une réponse JSON (API amendements)
#136 opened by mdamien - 2
- 6
Questions des sénateurs
#134 opened by malex18