
This repository contains my scripts for RPGMaker VX Ace.

For credits, refer to me as either "regendo" or "bStefan".

============= Terms of Use

These Terms of Use apply to all versions of all scripts found in this repository, unless stated otherwise in the most recent version of the script. Terms of Use provided in outdated versions of scripts do not apply. Instead, the Terms of Use provided in the most recent version apply to all prior versions of the same script.

  1. You must give credit to the author if you use any of these scripts in your project(s).

    (i) If additional people are mentioned in the script(s) (for example, someone who requested the script, helped creating it, or gave useful advice), you may additionally credit these people. This is optional.

  2. You must only use these scripts in legally obtained versions of RMVXAce.

  3. You must not use these scripts in a commercial project unless you were given explicit premission to do so by the author.

    (i) This permission has to be granted for every script used.

    (ii) This permission has to be granted prior to any releases of the project, including unfinished, alpha-, beta-, demo-, and other releases.

    (iii) In cases where a project that was originally supposed to be free becomes commercial, a permission has to be requested and granted before the project can be released commercially.

    (iv) If no permission is granted, you must not use the script(s) in your project or must not release the project commercially.

    (v) A list of all granted permissions for commercial or potentiall commercial projects can be found in the LICENSES.txt file in this repository.

    (vi) Permissions not listed in the LICENSES.txt file are invalid and assumed to be a fake. If you request a permission and have it granted, you will be listed.

    (vii) Permission for non-commercial projects is hereby automatically granted and does not need to be requested.

  4. You must not redistribute any of these scripts. Instead, link to this repository or to the script's respective topic on rmvxace.net.

  5. You may alter or extend upon these scripts. You may release these alterations.

    (i) You must clearly specify that your release is your own alteration of the respective script, not the original script.

    (ii) You must give credit and link to the original script.

    (iii) You may provide additional Terms of Use for your alterations.

    (iv) These additional Terms of Use can only apply to your alterations. They can not override, modify, or extend upon the original script's Terms of Use.

    (v) You must not charge money or any other digital or physical goods or services for your alterations.

  6. You cannot use any of these scripts in your project(s) without paying attention to and following these Terms of Use.

  7. These Terms of Use may be modified or extended upon by regendo at any time.

    (i) Before releasing your commercial or non-commercial project, please make sure that your project follows the most recent version of these Terms of Use that can be found in the most recent version of this document.

    (ii) Changes made to the Terms of Use after the initial release of the full version of your project do not apply to your project or future patches of the same project.

    (iii) Sequels, expansions, and other additional releases that are not merely patches to your project are treated as individual projects. Each of them will need a granted permission if it is a commercial project and will need to follow the latest Terms of Use at the time of the initial release of their full version.