
TensorFlow benchmark scripts for single and multi nodes with multi GPUs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tensorflow v2 benchmark

Supports TFv2

TensorFlow benchmark scripts for single and multi Nodes with Multi GPUs


Clone repo

git clone https://github.com/reger-men/tensorflow_benchmark.git


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Single Node Single GPU

Train with custom loop:

python3 train.py -train_mode loop

Train with Keras fit:

python3 train.py -train_mode fit

Single Node Multi-GPUs

Mirrored strategy will be used as default with num_gpus>1

python3 train.py -train_mode fit -num_gpus 2

python3 train.py -train_mode loop -num_gpus 2

Multi-Node Multi-GPUs

Experimental: launch Multi-Nodes training from the chief Worker Node

python3 train.py --train_mode=fit --workers="localhost:122,localhost:123" --w_type="worker" --w_index=0 --distribution_strategy=MultiWorker

Or with custom loop:

python3 train.py --train_mode=loop --workers="localhost:122,localhost:123" --w_type="worker" --w_index=0 --distribution_strategy=MultiWorker

Help Flags

python3 train.py --helpfull

  --batch_size: Batch Size
    (default: '128')
    (an integer)
  --buffer_size: Shuffle buffer size
    (default: '50000')
    (an integer)
  --display_every: Number of steps after which progress is printed out
    (default: '20')
    (an integer)
  --distribution_strategy: Can be: Mirrored, MultiWorker, OneDevice
    (default: 'OneDevice')
  --epochs: Number of epochs
    (default: '1')
    (an integer)
  --num_gpus: Number of GPUs. 0 will run on CPU
    (default: '1')
    (an integer)
  --[no]setup_cluster: Setup the cluster from the chief worker or not. This is an expiremental feature
    (default: 'true')
  --train_mode: Use either keras fit or loop training
    (default: 'fit')
  --verbose: Set verbosity level
    (default: '0')
    (an integer)
  --w_index: Worker index. 0 is appointed as the chief worker
    (default: '0')
    (an integer)
  --w_type: Task type
    (default: 'worker')
  --workers: List of workers IP:Port
    (default: 'localhost:122,localhost:123')