
A HTPC stack built with docker-compose

MIT LicenseMIT


A HTPC stack built with docker-compose

Why it exists

I got tired of managing multiple HTPC apps. With Docker and Docker Compose, it's easier than ever to create a complete stack or migrate an existing one to a new server.


Installation and first run

Clone this depository and run those commands:

cd htpc/
docker-compose up -d

Before you start

Before you start all the applications, you need ton configure some settings inside the .env file in the htpc directory:

  • DVOL is where the data (tv shows, movies, etc.) will be stored
  • CVOL is where the config files will be stored
  • TZ is the timezone
  • PUID and PGID are the user id and group id. Most of the time 1000 is ok here. The folders and files created by the containers will use this UID and GID.