(Amateur) Security Researcher & Software Engineer | @latte-soft @commanderhq
@latte-softLatte Softworks
regginator's Followers
- 0x30c4@HackTheBox
- 0xJustus
- 4x8Matrix@Dubit
- antcar0929@TourceLabs
- AnthonyEagle1776
- AstonishedLikerASense
- BigMark824GooberBlox
- bluepilledgreat
- ChoMametchi
- CompeyDev@datalinkhq
- EasternBloxxerAstra-Corporation
- HakorRaelOmega Interactive
- Icalock
- idanmaman2None
- Mlemix
- mmertpolatPwC Turkey
- Nicklaus-sthe corner of my bedroom
- nodiuusUnited States
- nosyliam@metaprov
- NotWaterScriptNhttpGameSkeetaz
- oculn
- ottobackwards
- pizzaboxerthe corner of my bedroom
- revcane
- ShatteredDiskChicago
- SushiDesigner
- synpixel
- Thatoneguythatcodes
- triickster@gnaadev
- VoipSip
- WaviestBalloon@latte-soft
- yifferDenmark