
Drupal Module: Add core statistics replacement with MongoDb Backend

Primary LanguagePHP


This module provides a replacement for core statistics module.

* features may vary             *
* data loss could happen        *

You should disable the core statistics module when activating this one.
The module provide a migration process (linked in the configuration page
of the module) to transfer all previously recorded node counters.

The core statistics module provides 2 types of statistics. Node counters
and Access Logs.

Node counters are used to generate :
- a block of most viewed nodes (day and all-time), a more recently viewed ones
- a counter of views for node content
- some counters on the node track tab
- a views connector, allowing for custom views fields on these node counters

Theses contents are still available in this module:
- the block is the same, except we add the possibility to make a time-based cache
of this block. We also provide it in the admin interface with all other 'top pages'
- views connectors may be available if you enable in configuration a sql backport
of all mongodb node counters via cron. This way the SQL database is aware of node
 counters but only in an asynchronous way (that means synchronous per-request write
operations are done in mongodb and sometimes a summary of the results are pushed in

The AccessLog part of core statistics is mostly done also. We still lack custom sorts
 on tables and we did not rebuild the "Block IP" action on the reports (if someone 
 really wants that...).
We do not provide an SQL backport of the access_log statistics, so you cannot use views.
We do not provide a migration batch for old access log statistics gathered, it's in the
TODO list.

Check the TODO.txt file.

- Disable the core statistics module if you have it already (we provide a migration
 for node counters statistics, not yet for access log ones).
- Enable and configure the main MongoDB module, you will need a running mongodb server
- Enable the mongodb statistics module 
- Configure this module
- Read the TODO.txt file, enjoy and contribute

See the configuration page of this module (linked in the module list or in system->Statistics)
You can define the variable contents in a settings.php file. Here is the list with default values (mostly inactivated):

  // ---------------------------------------
  //           MONGODB STATISTICS 
  // ---------------------------------------
  // --- ACCESS LOGS ----
  // Enabling access_log collect
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_enable_access_log'] = 0;
  // name of the collection for access logs
  $conf['mongodb_accesslog_collection_name'] = 'accesslog';
  // what should we do when a user is deleted for his statistics?
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_deleted_user_behavior'] = 0;
  // How many minutes should we cache the result of the "popular content" block?
  // 0 means no cache
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_flush_accesslog_timer'] = 259200;
  // --- NODE COUNTERS ----
  // Increment a counter each time content is viewed
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_count_content_views'] = 0;
  //Name of the collection in MongoDB used to store the node counters
  $conf['mongodb_node_counter_collection_name'] = 'node_counter';
  // Increment a user counter each time content is viewed
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_enable_user_counter'] = 0;
  //Name of the collection in MongoDB used to store the per user counters
  $conf['mongodb_user_counter_collection_name'] = 'user_counter';
  // track first time visit for each connected user on each node
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_track_first_visit'] = 0;
  // interval at which user mongodb counters will be treated for hooks modules to do some stuff
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_user_sync_interval'] = 3600;
  // Should we sync SQL tables asynchronously with the count_content counter value?
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_sync_db_tables_count_content_views'] = 0;
  // Stats BLOCK configuration
  //Number of day's top views to display
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_block_top_day_num'] = 0;
  // Number of all time views to display
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_block_top_all_num'] = 0;
  // Number of most recent views to display
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_block_top_last_num'] = 0;
  // How many minutes should we cache the result of the "popular content" block?
  $conf['mongodb_statistics_block_popular_expires'] = 0;

Override themable outputs

In several places we try to rteplace hard coded render arrays like in original module and to provide theme functions.
See mongodb_statistics_theme() to get a list of themable items.
You can use theses themes functions to override the theme rendering like in classical Drupal ways (in your theme's template.php)
or you can provide your own functions in a module by using theme_registry_alter:

 * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry)
function custom_statistics_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  $theme_registry['mongodb_statistics_node_counters'] = array(
    'variables' => array( 'record' => NULL ),
    'function' => 'custom_statistics_theme_mongodb_statistics_node_counters'

function custom_statistics_theme_mongodb_statistics_node_counters($variables) {
  $record = $variables['record'];
  $items = array(
    t('My Day views count: @count', array('@count' => $record['daycount'])),
    t('My Total views count: @count', array('@count' => $record['totalcount'])),
    t('My Day generation: @count', array('@count' => $record['daygen'])),
    t('My Total generation: @count', array('@count' => $record['totalgen'])),
    t('My Last access: @date', array('@date' => format_date($record['timestamp'], 'short'))),
  $build['mongodb_counters_list'] = array(
    '#type' => 'markup',
    '#markup' => theme_item_list(array(
      'items' => $items,
      'title' => t('My Node Counters'),
      'type' => 'ul',
      'attributes' => array()
  return drupal_render($build);