
This project's specifications are described in detail at Problem Set 8 - Mashup. This is a slightly modified version of my submission for the 8th Problem Set of Harvard University's Introduction to Computer Science course (CS50). Minor changes were made for the app to be fit for deploment in Heroku.

In summary, the website lets users view a list of articles depending on a chosen location in the map. For this implementation, only locations within the United States were used. The project is essentially a "mashup" of data from Google News and functionality from Google Maps.

The following were used in Mashup:

  • Google Maps (for the map, markers, and info windows)
  • Google News (for retrieving news surrounding a given location in the form of city, state, or US postal code using RSS feeds)
  • Typeahead.js (for aid in searching, provides an suggestions in realtime for search queries)
  • jQuery (for DOM manipulation, events handling, and animation)
  • AJAX (for realtime changes in the web app, enabling it to be dynamic)

The deployed website can be accessed at ra-cs50-mashup.herokuapp.com. Please let me know if you find any problems with the site.