Dev project about creating the twitter using django, hive, aws etc.

How to start the project

  • docker-compose run --rm web sh -c " startproject twitter(pj-name)"

How to run the app

  • Run the localhost django app.

    • docker-compose up
  • Show the commands you can use in django framework

    • docker-compose run --rm web sh -c "python3"
  • Create the databse schema

    • docker-compose run --rm web sh -c "python3 migrate"
  • Create the superuser in Django

    • docker-compose run --rm web sh -c "python3 createsuperuser" or write the shell script in when vagrant up, that will be created automatically.
  • Create the account api

    • docker-compose run --rm web sh -c "python3 startapp accounts"
  • Update the database shema

  • docker-compose run --rm web sh -c "python3 makemigrations"

  • docker-compose up --build

How to install the framework and test

  • Install the rest framework and config the relative setting. You can refer the official rest framework documentation

    • Serializer means the change will be sync on the front rest framework webpage
    • View mean the data scheme you set on the backend
  • Install the debug Toolbar

    • You can use the Toolbar to debug the webpage responding and the database query time.
  • Create the Unittest

    • You can use the unittest to test the code.
      • docker-compose run --rm web sh -c "python3 test && flake8" will test all the code in the project under the ./${project_folder}.
    • Test the specific test function.
      • docker-compose run --rm web sh -c "python3 test friendships.api.tests.FriendshipApiTests"
  • Rebuild the docker image

    • docker-compose up --build

How to utilize the APIs

Friendship feature

  • Follow the other users
    • /api/friendships/{id}/follow/
  • Unfollow the other users
    • /api/friendships/{id}/unfollow/
  • List the login user's followers
    • /api/friendships/{id}/followers/
  • List the login user's followings
    • /api/friendships/{id}/followings/
  • Add the friendship at the admin page
    • http://localhost:8000/admin/