
Trivia Game

Primary LanguageTypeScript


How to run

First create and fill up the .env file by using the .env.example as a reference

npm run start or yarn start

How to test

npx cypress run


  • React 18
  • React Router v6
  • Tailwind
  • zustand
  • Firebase
  • Cypress

Folder Structure

 |── app		            # contains the Routing of the application
 |── assets                 # contains the images and other medias needed throughout the app
 |── components             # contains the reusable components (Atomic Design Structure)
 |-- constants              # contains all the constants values that are used throughout the app
 |── pages                  # contains all the pages of the app
 |-- services               # contains the business logic of the features
 |-- store                  # contains zustand stores
 |── typings                # contains all the Typescript declaration files
 └── utils                  # contains all the extra helper function that can be used in the app


  • The user starts the quiz by clicking the '퀴즈 풀기' button
  • The user can select one of the 4 answers
  • The user will be able to see the 'Next' button after selecting an answer

After solving all the questions, the user will see the result details as follows:

  • Time Taken to complete the quiz
  • Number of correct answers
  • Number of incorrect answers
  • Chart the percentage of correct and incorrect answers
  • Incorrect answer note function