#The Projet# Since I moved to Sao Paulo(Brazil) , I decided to make my house as geek as it can get.
This project final objective is to create a house automation system inspired in sci-fi movies , the first part of the project that is here is the facial recognition and identification system , that will enable you to register guests , and automatically set a playlist and a art slideshow based on their taste.
This first part of the project , identify faces with OpenCV and recognize them with face.com API.
- Install OpenCV.
- copy opencv haarcascades inside a folder called 'data/'
- Download and install https://github.com/regismesquita/ruby-opencv (Mine failed to install passing on Gemfile.)
- insert your face.com credendtials and namespace at 'lib/face_config.rb'
- Register the authorized personel at 'http://yourpage/user/new'
- take and send some photos at the user show page (The one after registering)
- Try the identification at 'http://yourpage/monitor/'
- Start monitoring for real with padrino rake monitor
- Improve the monitor
- Set computer playlist and Slideshow based in who is in.
- Improve the interface.
- Send Email and SMS notification when someone unrecognized enters the perimeter.
- Do the rest of the project :P