
Convolutional Neural Network

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


1. Neural Network

Neural network who detects if it's a muffin or chihuahua or something else up to 4 classes in the actual code. 🍪 🐶

Neural network qui détecte si c'est un chihuahua ou un muffin.

  • 🏃 Run NNProK.py to execute the neural network

  • ⏯️ Lancez NNProK.py pour exécuter le réseau de neurone. .

      The best version 👽
  • The other version are obsolete

2. Installation

DOWNLOAD ⏬ archive.zip to https://www.kaggle.com/ The pack : chihuhua vs muffin, flowers or take you in picture.

  • need to rename the image in test_set file: chihuhua.1.jpg to muffin.1000.jpg and the same for the dog 🐱 🐶

  • rename the image with the file rename.py

3. Wiki

Look at the wiki here

4. NeuralNetwors.cpp

There is also an implementation of a neural network in cpp. It manages by batch size 10 the training of 1000 shades of 2 images. And detect a square up left in image1 and square down right in image2.

5. MyCamNetwork

Add your own model to detect you with tensorflow !!!!!!!!

(Look at the wiki)[https://github.com/regismeyssonnier/NeuralNetwork/wiki/MyCamNetwork]

6. NNPro.py able to detect a cross or a cercle in an image

It's almost magic, it's a Neural Network which detects the image cross and circle at 100% in the folder Test.

The file best10.txt are a save of the NN with 100% detection score. You can create your own.