
All the info and materials about the certification that I've collected so far

Associate Android Developer Certification

All the info and material about the certification that I've collected so far.

Pull Request are welcome!

Video Intro


General information

Certification topics

Diagram version

Testing and Debugging

Application User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)

Fundamental Application Components

  • Describe an application's key functional and nonfunctional requirements
  • Create an Activity that displays a layout resource
  • Fetch local data from disk using a Loader on a background thread
  • Propagate data changes through a Loader to the UI
  • Schedule a time-sensitive task using alarms
  • Schedule a background task using JobScheduler
  • Execute a background task inside of a Service
  • Implement non-standard task stack navigation (deep links)
  • Integrate code from an external support library

Persistent Data Storage

  • Define a database schema; include tables, fields, and indices
  • Create an application-private database file
  • Construct database queries returning single results
  • Construct database queries returning multiple results
  • Insert new items into a database
  • Update or delete existing items in a database
  • Expose a database to other applications via Content Provider
  • Read and parse raw resources or asset files
  • Create persistent preference data from user input
  • Toggle application logic based on preference values

Enhanced System Integration